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Mail Call

just.his.wife's picture

Interesting stuff in the mail yesterday.

Aside from the normal junk mail we received from the attorney a signed ORDER from ye olde judge in our custody case. Signed December 30, 2013.

Mother is allowed Supervised visitation at (name of local business that contracts with DCFS to do supervised visitation) located at (insert local address) for three hours every other week. Times/dates of visits will be determined by (name of business) as scheduling permits.

Mother must call (business name) and advise that she is wanting to initiate the supervised visitation schedule and is able to attend the scheduled visitation. (Business name) will contact Father and advise of date and time of visitation, if scheduling conflicts with school or activities father must produce the minor children available during the scheduled visitation.

Mother is responsible for any and all supervision fees.
Father is responsible for transporting children to and from visitation.

Once minor children attain the age of 17 or are employed minor children may opt out of the supervised visits. Minor children must call (local business) and advise of their opt out.

The two "minors" are both employed.
BM is in prison with no access to "Local business" in order to initiate supervised visitation.
However, both minor skids called "local business" yesterday and advised them they have no interest in participating should BM get released any time prior to them attaining their majority.


overworkedmom's picture

Wow.... how is she doing all this crap from Jail??? I wish she would just crawl back into a hole and leave you, your DH and those poor kids alone!

just.his.wife's picture

She has no recourse now.

She has been granted supervised visitation by the judge. The judge in our case said yep you can have it! At this one business that is contracted by the state here locally.

Problem for BM is that she is 300 miles away and the prison is NOT going to transport her.
Next problem is the kids have no interest and have already opted out.

misSTEP's picture

She is definitely putting up enough hoops for everyone to jump through. And now that everyone has done the dance? What is her next move going to be?