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No Peace

alwaysthemom's picture

Skids have been at their moms for a week. Really could care less if they came back. They care nothing for their dad or any of us in this house. They just use us. Sometimes I wish they would jusy go.


Kb3Hooah's picture

How old are they?

“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”

giveitago's picture

Hubby says the kids have to have a 'childhood'. He has no expectations from them with regard to household responsibilities, he asks them to do stuff and they just do not do it. He'd do the stuff he asks of them rather than insist they do it? Those kids are in for a very, very, rude awakening when they launch themselves onto society!! Hubby tells me that society is different for kids today. My biological kids are 30, 29 and 25 and they helped out around the house when I asked them, they loved to be shown how things worked. At age 11 my elder son was ironing his own shirts to go to high school! Technology was moving forward and my kids were keeping up with that also, we had computer games etc. My personal belief is that society may change very often but basic human nature does not. Kids need to feel positive about themselves and doing things encourages them. Every now and again he'll insist and they 'do it just so's he will not go on at them'. I would much rather have consistent efforts, the conflict means that the kids take advantage. I used to jump and do stuff, not any more!! If things are not done to their liking then they can feel free to do it themselves. I force myself to 'not do' just because! I know it sounds a little churlish on my part but it's the only way they will learn, the hard way! I was so blessed with my bio kids, spoiled perhaps? They cooperated with me because the rewards were that I had more time to spend with them once the jobs were done.