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Stepped up to the plate

alwaysthemom's picture

Well I don't want to make this too long but.......BM has a child by another man who was recently released from prison. He was in for indecentcy with a child and endangerment of a child. BM has hooked back up with him on account of their child together apparently and her myspace says she "loves" him.(GAG!!!) BMs present BF at this time contacted us in regards to this matter. BM dumped him and has told him to basically go away I want to be with Chester,Chester child molester. Anyway, HB decided to not let skids go to their BMs this past weekend because we were going out of town. Boy was she pissed. Told DH he couldn't do that, visitation was court ordered, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. DH says it's done take me to court, B*tch. Finally DH has stood up to her. I'm so glad. I want the skids to be safe but damn does it feel good for her to be pissed for once. Of course she's playing the victim with the kids. Your dad won't let you come, he's mean to me. Keep crying skank. If I had my way you would never see those kids as long as Chester was out of jail. Just venting, Thanks!!!


unbelieveable's picture

ohh man - I would not want my stepkids around this dude either! Seriously - she is not thinking!

Anon2009's picture

I hear you! My SDs BM is dating a convicted child molester who has 7 kids and he's not with any of their mothers or taking care of them. His physically not being around them is a good thing, but he should pay CS and he does not. We have custody of the kids, but we got it put in the court order that BM can't have the kids around this man.

alwaysthemom's picture

Oh and BM is trying to cry on DHs shoulder about how much she misses the kids. :sick: All I really want to do is punch her in her stupid, selfish face. SD11 and SS13 have been through enough BS with their mom. They were taken away from her by CPS for this same kind of crap. The guy she was with broke SD11 arm when she was 2. I just hope that DH continues to keep an eye on this situation and not stick his head in the sand.

Parent, It's a verb, not a noun.

mylife7's picture

VS- Victim Syndrome! My ss6 BM is ALWAYS trying to pull the VS card...good for you and your man for being on top of it, a DH like that seems rare. Boo hoo for her..