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It never ends, found drug paraphernalia in my house!

amackeral's picture

I swear every time I let my guard down, something else comes up and upsets me all over again. I just want to live in peace, without having to constantly deal with a SS that is a completely disrespectful drug user! I want to strangle SS20 and smack some sense in to DH.

Last night DD11 was going through some old toys in her room, looking for things to sell on craigslist that are still in good condition but she never plays with. She found one toy that has a rubber body but was a little dirty. She asked what cleaning product would work on it and I suggested she look under the sink for a Mr Clean Eraser.

In her search under the sink, she found a container of Lysol Disinfecting wipes and thought maybe she'd try those first, since she couldn't find the Mr Clean eraser. She opened the container and found...2 USED NEEDLES! The same brand and needle size that we found in SS20's apartment/room when we cleaned it out.

DH of course still has his blinders on. He told me "we don't know what they were use for, who used them or when they were used" so he's not going to ask SS about them. Well, if they were used for any non (illegal) drug related use, they wouldn't have had to be for who or when, I really don't care except that it pisses me off that SS let/brought that shit in to my house!

DH says I'm making a big deal about nothing, since there's nothing we can do about it now. I told DH that finding this crap just solidifies my stance that SS will NEVER be allowed back in our house, EVER. I also think he should confront SS with the pictures, even if the little asshole won't admit to it. I want the inconsiderate little jerk to know we found it, that he missed something when cleaning up after the little party he had at our house!

Now it makes me wonder if we'll find more stuff, down the road. What else is in my house that I don't know about, that's hidden??? Ugh


LittlePanda's picture

Holy shit..I can't believe your husband is so blind!!!

I just hope there aren't any needles without the caps laying around..then what?! He's putting his family at risk by being in denial.

Sorry you are in this situation.

hereiam's picture

Your DH needs to wake up. Needles? I would be livid. What if DD11 had stuck her hand in there and been stuck?

DaizyDuke's picture

"we don't know what they were use for, who used them or when they were used" so he's not going to ask SS about them

WTF???? Unless you have a diabetic in the house or someone who gives animals in your house shots, then it seems OBVIOUS that this is drug paraphernalia! Whether SS lives with you now, or not, I'd be calling his ass out and wanting to know if there are any OTHER secret stashes that a CHILD in your home might stumble upon.

I want to kick your DH in the nuts