Hiya All,
I know it might be a little early to start thinking about this b/c SD is only 7, but I am concerned and need a little advice.
I'm sure most of you have heard of or seen the commercials for the HPV vaccination called "Gaurdasil." According to what I've seen/read a girl as young as 9 up til 26 years old can get the vaccination. My SD will turn 9 in less than two years. Should DH & I have SD get this vaccination? Does anyone have any personal experience with this vaccine or issue?
I am too old (30) to get this vaccine, but wish it would have been available years ago. I recently went thru a Cervical Cancer scare this year so this subject is near and dear to me. I was at the highest stage---the one right under cancer. This situation was extremely scary & stressful on myself and my husband, especially since my family has a history of cancer.
I do not want my SD to ever have to go thru what I went thru.
Thoughts? Suggestions?
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A friend of mine
has HPV. She has absolutely no clue who gave it to her and her doctor isn't certain how long she has had it. The bad thing with HPV is, you can have it for YEARS and not know it and pass it on to others. Then out of the blue, this woman got warts and then was diagnosed with severe precancerous changes in her cervix. She had NO idea and was devastated. She went through long agonizing weeks of not knowing if she had cancer but luckily, it hadn't progressed that far. She is cancer free and symptom free but will never know when or if the virus will rear its ugly head again.
Another woman in our area died of cervical cancer caused by HPV. They did a news story on her when the vaccine came out. She was in her early 40s, wasn't very diligent about Paps, and went to the gyne too late for some problems. Turns out she had HPV and advanced cervical cancer and her parents didn't hold back on the trouble she had with trying to beat it.
Knowing what both women went through, I talked to my DD's pediatrician when she went for her 12 y.o. boosters. He highly suggested it since millions of women unknowingly contract it every year (not to mention the number of men). He got it for his daughter.
I'm still in the process of deciding what to do about my own child. I'll be looking forward to what others have to say about this!
Its a plan for us
I have 2 bd and 2 sd. We've already talked to BM in general about getting the girls vaccinated by the time they're 12 (they're 10 and 7 currently) She's been receptive so far but I see drama coming as it gets closer.
For me and my kids, absolutely. I found out last year that I have HPV- no idea for how long or from whom. I've already gone thru a biopsy and the horrible waiting but so far, things are ok and if I keep it in check, should be fine. But if I can prevent any of this for any of my kids, I think its a good thing.
I think this vaccine has a stigma because it's related to sex. While you can vaccinate a girl who's 9, it certainly doesn't mean that you're signing off that she can be sexually active, but hey, they do grow up fast. Although we all want our daughter to be virgins until they're 30, they probably aren't going to. Just like any other vaccine I give the kids, so long as the benefit outweights the risk.
I don't have any problems with the vaccine per se
This can become a very controversial subject (as it did on another forum)and I have no problems with the vaccine itself, but I don't agree with some states trying to make it mandatory. I think it should be a private decision between the parents and not for the government to dictate. There was a big brouhaha about it a few months ago in Texas. I'm not sure if they reversed their decision since then.
Some people have argued that it's no different than any of the other vaccines children receive, but there's a big difference between getting chicken pox versus cervical cancer from HPV, a sexually transmitted disease. If they really want to impress me they can come up with a vaccine against HPV itself and administer it to both girls and boys.
Gardasil--research research research
As a cervical cancer survivor with HPV, I say read everything and anything from both sides of the discussion before subjecting your young daughters to this new vaccination.
Start with the FDA VAERS (Vaccines Adverse Event Report System) report that lists 1824 reactions. http://www.judicialwatch.org/archive/2007/GardasilVAERSUpdated.PDF
Judicial Watch is suing the FDA to require that it list the side effects that have been reported to the FDA. (Remember Tamiful, Bextra, Celebrex, Vioxx, Accutane, etc ?)
Although, 25,000 females ages 9-26 have been tested only 250 of them were 9 , it still unknown how long the vaccine lasts and whether the vaccine itself is carcinogenic; aluminum is considered a neurotoxin. While Merck tested the combo of the Hep B vaccination along with the HPV, it did not test the rest of the long list of vaccinations. It's too soon to determine if the benefits out way the risks.
On another note, the varicella vaccination is preventing chicken pox, but we are seeing a higher incident of the more severe shingles. Every time an adult is exposed to a child with chicken pox their body produces antibodies that prevent shingles; the absence of chicken pox reduces natural inoculations. Shingles is more life threatening.
Read studies and be sure that the study was not funded by Merck. If Gardasil is added to the federal list of recommended vaccinations, Merck is off the hook for any liability. Further read up on the financial impact of the Gardasil and why the big push. Merck had a killer year in 2006; lawsuits for Vioxx;losing patent protection for Zocor and a host of other patent expirations.. Gardasil is their money maker AS is Zostavox- can you guess? a vaccination for the self-created epidemic-Shingles.
This just may be one vaccination that we let our young ladies decide if its right for them.
I completely agree
I have my kids vaccinated the bare minimum required because I also have a theory about how the body tolerates so many different vaccines. If you think about it, a vaccine works by exposing you to something very small, so that your immune system creates antibodies as though you had the disease and healed. In reality we would have been exposed to and survived maybe 3 or 4 of these diseases, but we are vaccinated against 8, 9? I think we should limit vaccines to the most likely fatal disabling diseases, and let our bodies naturally deal with the others. There is a lot of controversy about side affects as well as suggestions some of our new diseases/disorders may be brought about by vaccines anyway (look into autism concerns).
I have read a lot of bad things about this vaccine in particular, and from what I've read there isn't a lot of convincing proof that it will make a significant difference in the number of women who get cervical cancer. Also, there is another test other than the pap smear I've been hearing about which is much more accurate in early detection.
This vaccine is also not covered by most insurances, is very expensive and the Dr's don't carry it. You have to pick it up by prescription and bring it back for the Dr to administer. Though I lost a dear friend (named my two year old after her) to cervical cancer at only 26 years old, I think we'll wait to see the effects of this one. SD is only 12, and I think we can safely wait a few more years. If yours is nine then I would wait further.
Peace, love, and red wine
I have to comment here as an adult survivor of Chicken Pox
After going through it...and going to the emergency room, hospital, etc...I would and do advise EVERYONE to get that vaccine. Adults who get chicken pox usually have a much more severe, prolonged case than children. Pneumonia is common. The rate of hospitalization for chickenpox is almost 900% higher in adults than in children. Adults are more than 20 times more likely to die from this disease. Pregnant women face the additional fear of serious, even fatal, damage to the baby developing within. Clearly it is beneficial to prevent chickenpox in adults.
And contrary to the research you found, I found the following in relation to shingles and the vaccine: "To date, those who have received the vaccine have a much lower incidence of shingles than those who actually had chickenpox over the same time period. Those who receive the vaccine also have a dramatically decreased risk of scarring. Finally, studies so far have found the chickenpox vaccine to be highly effective in preventing moderate and severe chickenpox in children (Redbook: Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, 2006)."
Shingles is horrible. No question. But usually NOT life threatening unless you have a weakened immune system. Adult chicken pox can be life threatening! It was for me. It's hard on your lungs (pneumonia is common), and for guys, it's even harder because it affects their reproductive organs.
I'm also an adult who has had to have biopsies, the LEEP procedure, and constant monitoring for consequences from HPV. Scary! In addition, I have an aunt who recently died from cervical cancer. If I had a daughter, I would get her vaccinated. Almost ALL people will be sexually active at some time in their lives. HPV is widespread. I would protect my daughter from this just as I would measles, or chicken pox. There are always risks from vaccines. But in my mind the benefits far outweigh the risks.
Read the report
Not much to debate when the FDA published the Adverse Effects report; Gardasil has been associated with miscarriages and fetal abnormalities; "Other serious AER reports included paralysis, Bells Palsy, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and seizures. And of 42 women who were vaccinated with Gardasil while pregnant, 18 experienced complications [that's 43%], ranging from miscarriages to fetal abnormalities, according to new FDA data. One of the 18 women was diagnosed with an abnormal fetus, and a test conducted on another woman during her pregnancy showed an increased risk of fetal defect.
The Wall Street Journal reports (below) that congenital anomalies was an issue of concern during the FDA's review of the vaccine last year. “In its clinical trials, Merck reported five cases of birth defects among women who received the vaccine within 30 days of conception.” Merck says, “it determined that they didn't fit any pattern and were unlikely to be connected to the vaccine.” But Merck is hardly a credible source for risk assessment: this company is responsible for thousands of preventable deaths from its painkiller, Vioxx whose lethal hazards the company vehemently denied as the body count mounted between 1996 and 20004.
The approval and unorthodox marketing of Merck's vaccine is a vivid example of how powerful commercial interests have derailed medicine from its mission. In each medical scandal involving an FDA approved drug or vaccine the all-powerful pharmaceutical-medical stakeholders wielded undue influence to promote new drugs and vaccines even before their safety and efficacy was fully evaluated—often with catastrophic results."
In an article published in the Denver Post (March 22, 2007), Sigrid Fry-Revere, the director of bioethics studies at the Cato Institute provides the following sobering assessment: Gardasil is not all it's cracked up to be--and, besides, there is NO epidemic of cervical cancer from HPV infections.
"A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association finds that among women ages 14 to 24, the rate of all 37 types of sexually transmitted HPV combined is 33.8 percent - much lower than the 50 percent figure cited on Merck's website. More importantly, the rates for HPV 16 and 18 - the two types responsible for 70 percent of all cervical cancers - are astronomically lower: only 1.5 percent and 0.8 percent, respectively. And even among those cases, last month's American Cancer Association guidelines report that most HPV infections, even carcinogenic ones, resolve without treatment. Approximately 75 percent of infections in adults and 90 percent of those in adolescents disappear on their own.
It's worth noting that the American Cancer Society sees its fight against cervical cancer as a success story even without Gardasil. When detected early through Pap testing, the survival rate for the disease is over 90 percent.
In short, even without the vaccine, when early detection methods are used, the number of girls who actually are at risk of dying of cervical cancer from HPV is extremely low. Most of the time, the body takes care of the virus without any help whatsoever. Under these circumstances, are we really prepared to spend untold millions administering this vaccine? In truth, the vaccine may very well cause more harm than good."
No thanks. I'll wait for all the surviving guinea pigs to determine if this is the life saver that Merck and the FDA claim. In the meantime I will educate my girls of the necessity for pap screenings and the use of condoms, as well as STD testing. Not unlike when I willfully exposed them to chicken pox so they would get them when they were young so as to avoid the dangers of getting them older. I don't let them use anti-bacterial soap either; some germs are just good for the immune system!
Oh and Persephone, my mom
Oh and Persephone, my mom did expose me, my brother and sister to chix pox. We didn't catch it. My mother was astounded! She tried more than once, because when we were growing up that was the thing to do. It's bizarre! None of us could catch it as children. I got it at 32. Was deathly ill. Convinced my younger brother and sister to get the vaccine!!!!!
I'm the same with you on the soap! I'm one of those that encourages camping, being dirty, eating dirt :-)..etc. I wasn't too protected as a little one...lots of stitches and broken bones and learned lessons from daring do's...but after experiencing the nasties of HPV and POX, I can't help but want to do whatever I can to protect my kids.
I'm sure if I were on the other end...having a child with an adverse reaction to a vaccine, I'd be just the opposite. I think we want to protect our kids from hurt and harm at all costs. And sometimes the decisions are very tough and controversial.
I would agree
that from your post, pregnant women should not be vaccinated. And when you look at it, pregnant women pretty much should not have any foreign chemicals put in their systems...whether it be caffeine, drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, vaccines, otc medicine, etc....
33.8 percent is still a high number for me. And yes it can be treated, and may not cause many problems, but is it worth the chance? The treatments are painful and can cause infertility. And if you miss it because you don't have insurance, or something else is going on in your life where you don't get medical treatment, you may die from it...is it worth it?
I don't know. It's a cost/benefit analysis. Like wearing a seatbelt. It's a choice. How much risk do you wish to accept...on either side...vaccine...versus exposure and treatment.
The hard thing I think is that we have to make those choices for our female children. What if we make the wrong choice? Either way? It would be so much easier on us if it were an individuals choice, but it isn't because it is needed at a fairly young age in order to work.
I would never condemn someone for not having their child vaccinated, and I completely understand the reasons...but for my child...I'd do it. I think it should be an informed, aware choice. And explained to your female child as soon as possible so that she may have some choices and input.
Don't Get Lost in the Numbers
33.8% is a high number. But that number is not what the vaccination protects against, nor is it your odds of contracting the disease. Though that number may be higher, it's the percent related to the effectiveness of the vaccination one needs to evaluate.
33.8%,is the number of women who have HPV of any strain. Of that number 1.5 and .08 carry the strains 16 and 18 respectively. Gardasil protects against strains 6 and 11: associated with genital warts not cervical cancer, and the strains 16 and 18 that are associated with cancer is 1.5% and .08 % of the 33.8% of all cases. Nearly 90% percent of all infections clear on their own. If one were to do the math 10% or 0.15% of HPV strain 16 will not clear on their own and without early detection may go one to become cancer. (0.008%) of strain 18 will not clear on its own.
Gardasil does not protect from strains; 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, and 82: all cancer causing strains. So one could risk the benefit of the vaccination to still go on and get a cancer causing strain of HPV. And will having the vaccination provide a false sense of security? Time will tell.
Not having pap screenings increases the risk of undetected cervical changes. Cervical cancer is a slow growing cancer that has a 90% cure ratio if caught in a timely fashion. I think it starts with educating young girls about the importance of going in for PAP/HPV tests, empowering themselves and demanding condoms regardless of other birth control methods.(Good girls AND smart girls do carry condoms)Boys need to be educated that they also carry this virus and had better start taking care of their unit!! (Oral sex is sex and is responsible for HPV transmission.) Some day they could pass this in to their wife.
This is a tough choice to make for our children. And at what age are they educated to participate in making an informed choice that considers all ramifications and balance the benefits versus risks?
Hate to beat a dead horse...but goin' to anyway :-)
When my son was born over 23 years ago...I was mother earth mama. No drugs, no shaving, no epidural, no IV..in fact I wanted to have him at home but I was too high risk with lung problems...but left hospital hours after having him.
I was fanatical with his diet because of my families past history with allergies and other ailments. No refined sugar at all until well after he was 3 years old. No processed foods. Only whole grains. No candy. No soda. No junk food. Packed his lunches...etc. Surprisingly he has an excellent diet now despite my fanaticism! :-). He's not into sugar, sodas or junk food. In fact when he was a teenager, if he or his friends brought a soda into the house, it got dumped down the drain. It had no nutritional value. I'd gladly give them water, milk, juice, smoothies, etc...water being the best. My son got so he just accepted me and grinned about my weirdness, and his friends loved me so it turned out ok. The reason for all this....I wanted the best for my son!
If I had known what I know now about the dangers of vaccines, and the correlations with autism, I may have had second thoughts. In fact, I was so against any medical intervention, I probably would have done anything I could to prevent vaccines if it weren't for the following...
My mother and uncle had polio. I had an aunt that died of polio. My son's father was a twin. The twins were 9 months old in Scotland in 1943, both got whooping cough...sounds so innocuous doesn't it? The brother died. His 94 year old mother grieves for him to this day!!!! It's the saddest thing.
So as mother earth and against chemicals and medical intervention as I was, I never objected to vaccines. Even after my son reacted to DPT. A severe reaction. After that, he only got the DT booster. He does not have full protection from the P, but we always hoped he had enough, and that he would never be exposed as most other kids are vaccinated, and we weighed the costs and benefits of the vaccination. It's all you can do as parents, keeping in mind, that we are all in this together. If we are not all vaccinated, we can start the spread of disease again. Generations past saw lots and lots of death due to diseases that are now preventable due to vaccines. We may see this again if we are not very, very careful in our decisions.
Another Dead Horse
Generations past died from the common cold. Babies died when delivered less than full term WE have made many advances in medical care. Most of the diseases that we vaccinate against are curable. Autism is not, oh one may be able to work with it to provide the best quality of life but for now its not reversible.
As of 2006 1/166 kids have autism, ten years ago it was 1/2500. California that leads the US in required vaccinations (an astounding 41 before a baby reaches the age of 2) has a rate of 1/132. From 1971-1980 CA added 200 per year, now they add approx 3500 a year. This is an epidemic. Even when CA adjusted the diagnosis criteria the number did not go down. But it did for cerebral palsy and down syndrome.
FDA,CDC, and big Pharm say no autism correlation with vaccinations. I for one will not believe a government that continues to deny Vietnam agent orange, Iraq I and II along with the now 911 first responder dying from all different types of cancer and lung ailments. These just among many other denials.
Benefits outway the risks
if you look at at the adverse side effects to any medication or vaccine they are going to have some crazy, deadly information listed. Pretty much worst case scenarios, things that happened while someone was on the medicine or someone who happened to be vaccinated but these things may not have anything to do with the medicine or vaccine itself. My little sister (19 yo) was diagnosed with HPV almost 2 years ago. My mom made sure we saw a GYN as soon as we turned 18 (as this use to be the norm, now it's 21). My sister was terrified and couldn't tell my mom because she knew where she got it and didn't want to have to explain it. She made all the necessary appointments and had the testing done all by herself. It was caught in time. They gave her pre-natal vitamins and told her to remain stress-free, which was easier said than done. 2 weeks ago she got the results of her pap and it shows that the HPV is gone. She will be vaccinated, as all my sisters and I are. The benefits outway the risks. For those of you on birth control. Birth control is proven to cause blood clots that can kill you (my cousin died from a blood clot in her lung barely 2 months after she was married, her husband sued to birth control maker and received a lot of money). Although you know this can happen you still take them because the benefits outway the risks. Regardless if the benefit is not getting pregnant, or regulating a period or taming the cramps, you still take them knowing the risks. So why not become vaccinated from something that can cause pain and suffering.
Yeah like
Lamisil for foot fungi your liver can go to shit but your toe nails "may" clear. Sorry I will take a dead toe nail over a toxic liver any day!!
Next time you are watching TV listen to the prescription commercials---la la lahhhhh its all good until they start listing the side effects... good heavens!! Most often the side effects are worse than the condition!!!
There is a "pill" for everything, but at what cost????????
By the way where some think 21 is the norm, there is a whole demographic of us that still think 18 is an adult---not the 21 drinking age. If any child of 18 can vote, go to war or marry they are an adult--regardless if they drink alcohol legally.
If a child is afraid of communicating with a parent the only thing a vaccination will do is give them a false sense of security. The child should be encouraged to speak to an adult or professional and educate themselves before finding themselves in this predicament. The bigger question is why isn't the child comfortable speaking to a known adult about these topics.. a pill or a shot cannot compensate for these inadequacies...
Each person responds differently and no one knows in advanced how they will respond. If you choose to play Russian roulette thats your gig... doesn't mean its for everyone. But one should pay attention to adverse effect reports after the drug is approved by the FDA and then make their decision.
Birth control is not even a fair comparison. If you have unprotected sex what are your chances of a pregnancy??? Versus what are your chances of contracting an STD, specifically HPV which is what we are are talking about??? If your going to gamble on your health, you have to roll all of the numbers...
Sorry, even as a teenager I have never responded to the boogie man under the bed... I have never been motivated by fear... only logic.
As an [HPV] cervical cancer survivor, I do not buy the risk, 12.5yrs ago while pregnant I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, I was informed of late stage-4, and that I had the option to abort and to begin treatments.. you see if I had not become pregnant lord knows when I would have had my next pap.. (previous pregnancy was 18 months.) I looked at it as it was meant to be, went on with the pregnancy delivered her at 7 months pre-term because of complications... today she is a thriving healthy 12yr old. Modern medicine holds a lot of hope, and not necessarily pharmaceutically related. So I do understand the fear and devastation that cervical cancer presents. I just don't trust the big Pharm and big Gov to protect me.. I know they do not have my best interest at heart... Ladies educate yourself and do not fall prey to a one-sided opinion.. yes my opinion may seem to be one sided, granted, but If I thought there was a miracle cure, I would jump all over it.. for me and my 3 daughters.. I am just not convinced that it is here and now.. some day maybe.. Merck is not it for me-- not now--- they need to improve their numbers.
I think everyone has their
I think everyone has their own opinion on whether to vaccinate or not, and whether to medicate or not. Advice can be given but its up to you in the end to decide whether to do it. Certain things happen to people that help shape their opinions. As an example, I will never take weight loss pills or be vaccinated for the flu. My gma took phen-phen and won a lot of money in the lawsuit due ot severe health problems. I have only been vaccinated once in my entire life for the flu and I ended up getting the flu for the first time in my life. It was horrific and I was down for a week. As both my sister have/had HPV I became vaccinated. My oldest sister got gential warts from her husband having a cold sore. It is possible that could have been prevented had a vaccine been available (it wasn't out yet). The birth of her daughter may have been less worrisome since she had to stay medicated in order to have a natural birth. I think like Persephone said, research. Find out the good, bad, and ugly then decide for yourself. Teach your kids to go in yearly for pap test. Either when they become sexually active or when they turn 18 (which ever happens first). Tell them the importance of going every year. Educating kids about practicing safe sex is also extremely important. Maybe one day the schools will finally decide to teach other safe sex practices besides abstinence.
You are so right
this is sooo individual.
Its important to note that along with an annual pap the HPV test should be requested, this test is 94% more likely to detect pre-cancer than the pap at 55%. If pre-cancer is detected it will also determine if its HPV or non-HPV related. Most importantly even if you get a HPV screening it cannot determine which strain you have and if you already have HPV and get the Gardasil vaccination, you have a 44.6% greater instance of getting cervical cancer had you not received the vaccination. This is why it is recommended as a prophylactic vaccine for young girls pre-sexually active.
If sexually active get tested for HPV before vaccinating!!
Many sites say it's not important to test prior to receiving the vaccination, source sited that is contrary. Read the whole report or just reading page 11 may pique your interest.
Possible effects?
Both DH and I suffer from HPV. If only they had a vacctionion when I was a kid. Sorry to break it to those Step moms, or Bio moms, but your kids will most likey become sexually active. In this day and age it's not if it's when. Getting the vacination should not replace good education, but go hand and hand with it. HPV can be tansmitted even when their is a condom being used. from any skin to skin contact. That is the scarry part. Because women can suffer from Cervical cancer from it. I do think it is a good idea. I will definatly vacicate my daughter once she is old enough. (she's only 9 months now
And anyother ones that are out there, I just hope that they can find vacinations for Herpes and AIDS, cuz it;s the scarry truth that a lot of people will have/had STD's and some don't even know it. But before doing it, definatly do the resaech. I got all the up to date vacs for my dughter, even tough they had side effects. But I know what can happen if some one gets menigites (it's very sad, limited brain function, physical sysptons too) So I say vac against all we can.
Gaurdasil: I say NO
I had my Daughter get the shots to help to prevent her from getting HPV. In return she has been in pain since! She got her second shot in March, a few weeks later she was hospitalized for 4 days. Since then she has been in extreme abdominal pain! She has good days and bad days but generally she cant spend the night at friend's houses or go to far from home in fear that the pain will start again. She now can't have sugar, fatty foods, or carbonated drinks. She is currently on several medications due to pain and prevention. The worst part is that Merk will not confirm wether or not there drug did this.
She has always been a healthy child, born full term. She is not over weight, and is (was) an active child. She missed a lot of school because of this, and we do not see an end in sight. And most of all, it is normal for a 11 year old to have to take Morphine to get rid of the pain. I'm not saying not to get the shot, that is for every parent to decide for themselves. I just know as a parent, I wish I wouldn't have. I BEG every person that is considering this shot for themselves or their child please research, please think about this long and hard before you decide. Check it out we are not the only one going through this.
Be very careful
since this is such a new vaccine many insurance cos won't cover it. That in itself should throw up red flags. My SD was "forced" into the shot by a woman claiming to be her mother and the DRs. obliged her. She has gained over 50lbs in months and has very serious mood swings. Not your average teenager ones either. A Swedish co (I think) has come out with a new vaccine that is supposed to have been tested in greater numbers but I would still be wary. The HPV shot is now being pushed to boys since the "urgency" has slowed and so many side effects are being reported. Had her father or I been consulted, we would not have allowed her to get this vaccine. Please be sure to research the topic before you make any decisions regarding your daughter. Best of luck to you.