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Why can't it be this easy??

Anne4's picture

So I met my ex, his wife and their 2 year old son today with my DS10 to get him a passport. They are taking him on a vacation next summer out of the country, and both birth parents had to be present to get the passport. While the paperwork was being done, pictures taken of their family, etc, we casually talked and were pleasant to each other. I have few issues with my ex and I love his wife who is a great stepmom to my son. After the appt was over, I left feeling like why can't it be this way for the other side of the family?! Why does my skids' BM hate my DH and I so much? Oh yeah, cuz she is a miserable bitch who is jealous and insecure. An appt like that with her would have been miserable for all involved. And it does not have to be that way! Ugh. My DS10 stepmom does not know how good she has it! LOL!!


FallingfromGrace's picture

That is my life exactly...

I get on fine with my kid's stepmother, but my skids BM and I - no way. She hates me...always has and always will.

Both my kids and myself are lucky to have stepmom. She is great. I only wish my ski's BM would extend me one quarter the thought I give to my kids stepmother!