Mini- Wife Syndrome Frustration!!!
So I have been reading and trying to find some comfort in the fact that so many other step parents go through this process and wanted to share my experience with this topic in hopes that some of you might understand what I am going through.
I have been in a relationship with my SO for 4.5 years now and we took things really slow and didnt involve the children for almost 2 years because we wanted to make sure it was going to work before introducing them. My SS is 18, and my SD is about to be 15. I also have a 6 year old son myself. It has been a little difficult to transition into being a blended family. The SD is used to being the center of attention and it has created this terrible dynamic of the SS feeling less important which drives me CRAZY! Thats not the issue I want to discuss in this blog though. This blog is about mini-wife syndrome. My SS/SD lost their mother to cancer 12 years ago when they were 6/2. The SD doesnt remember her mother and has only ever had her dad which is probably where some of these issues stem from. They were raised by their dad and their maternal and paternal grandparents 50/50. My SD clings to my SO everywhere we go and its just about all I can do to not blow up in anger. She constantly wants to hold his hand, kiss him on the cheek, sit beside him at restaurants, etc. When she was younger I didnt mind as much because I was close to my dad as well but now it just seems inappropriate. My SD is very developed and has been since she was around 12 years old, she is also very into makeup and tries to make herself look older by wearing high heels. I see people trying to put together who is with who when we are out in public as I am 11 years younger than my SO. The thing that kills me the most is when the server asks if its going to be all on one check when we go out to eat because she is sitting next to him with her head on his shoulder or holding his hand and im on the other side of the table. He also comments on how beautiful she is constantly and one time he even told her she was pretty and then turned to me and said "oh and babe you are gorgeous" At that point I didnt even want the compliment because it made me mad that he went and did that and made her seem above me. The whole family does nothing but swell her head and it does get old. Im to the point where I stay very neutral with my compliements towards her because everyone else just pours all over her how beautiful and talented she is and it goes straight to her ego. I am an only child so it is hard for me to not be the center of attention myself and I do have some jealousy when it comes to my mans attention. My past has created insecurity in myself that if I dont get reassurance that I am loved I feel that it might be gone. He has done nothing to make me feel that way and tells me regularly that he loves me and wants only me but when you have had your fair share of heartbreak its hard to overcome the insecurities it creates. He is of course oblivious to all of this and pretty much everything that she does. He refuses to see anything wrong with his little girl and a lot of the time I feel that it is because it is his last baby (even though she is not a baby anymore) and he refuses to see that she is a young woman now and not a little girl. He gets very denfensive and shuts down any time I bring up anything regarding her. He doesnt make her do any chores, doesnt correct any of her behavior and lets her get away with ten times more then he lets my SS or my son get away with. He thinks that you have to be harder on the boys to teach them how to be men. I have addressed this with him multiple times that he is overly harsh on the boys and not harsh at all with her even if its well deserved. The blatent disrespect that comes from my SD should warrant punishment but rarely does but if the boys even look wrong there is no second chance given. My SD knows this too and does things intentionally to see what she can get away with. She also has a tendancy to lie so she doesnt get corrected on the rare occasion that he does get onto her. Either that or the waterworks come on and he immediately stops because she is crying. I have a pretty good relationship with my SD and I do love her but i have all of these negative feelings towards her because I feel like im having to compete. I try to make sure she knows that I am not replacing her mom or taking her dad from her. I dont know if its just severe immaturity on her part or if its intentional that she does these things. I know that it is not intentional that her dad or her mothers family treats her so much differently or that they try to compensate for their loss. Its just a different situation and I dont know how to navigate it. I know that his kids need his time and attention. We do not live together and only get quality time on the weekends so I feel that they get plenty of his time and attention and they are always included in our weekend plans. I have some built up resentment because I feel that the only thing that could ruin my relationship with my SO is my SD. She is the ONLY thing we have ever fought about. I feel that her behavior is inappropriate and that he doesnt discipline her and he feels that I am being to harsh on her or picking on her for trying to correct her and put her in her place. I think that my SO's in laws have tried to replace their lost daughter with my SD and the favortism really shows and only makes the symptoms worse because there is no discipline and she is treated more like an adult than a child so she is confused on what her role actually is. She is very mature in some aspects and very immature in others. I have been dealing with this for the last couple years and was hoping that she would realize the inappropriateness on her own but it just keeps on and it is frustrating at times. He is now hinting at marriage and possibly moving in together and I dont know how to stop feeling like this. I am not in competition with her but it feels like Im being forced to play these little games for attention. He refuses to see any of it and says that its ridiculous to be jealous of their father daughter relationship and showing of affection. I told him that it is not normal for a teenage girl to hold their fathers hand in public and kiss him on the cheek etc and asked him if hes seen that kind of behavior from other families when we go out so I think it did somewhat resonate with him. He has pulled his hand away a couple times. But its just a lot of information to process and it makes me feel overwhelmed and irritable to see people looking and questioning all the time. I dont like feeling like a third wheel in my relationship but that is exactly how it feels sometimes. He doesnt intentionally do it and I know it makes him feel good that his "baby" still needs him but somewhere it has to change. I just dont know how to get him to see that without it being a fight.
- anniebear1115's blog
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My SD was/is the same way. It was getting really bad during our last vacation as she would not let go of her dad's hand while we walked two miles where we wanted to go and she kept trying to get her dad not to hold my hand. She would also sit on the same side next to him. After the vacation, I finally just snapped and explained to DBF on what mini wife syndrom was, and just laid everything out, calmly and he listened. Ever since then, I don't want to speak too soon, for the past month and a half, there has been no cuddling on the couch, or handholding. Though she still kisses him on the lips before she goes to bed or leaves to go back to her moms. It is a working process and I do make comments saying, "Isn't she a little old for this and that," kind of seems to help. I also keep SD12 pretty busy while she is at our house so doesn't really have the option to lay on DBF. She does still sit across the dinner table and just stare at DBF like she is in love with him and it drives me crazy... but being on this site will definitely give a lot of good advice. Like I said, it's a working process.
Without Change...
your SDs behavior will only get worse, especially if you get married. Can you imagine what you go through on weekends now becoming a daily impact????
Your SO is hinting at marriage. Perfect opportunity to bring up your concerns yet again and head to a counselor. Your DH is not doing his child any favors. And really, you are in competition with her and HE is causing it.
I deal with a MW. She caused so much trouble in our marriage, to the point we almost divorced. She was in her 20's when DH and I met/married. Over time, DH addressed the issues and either toned them down or completely stopped (like the walking with arms locked in the mall..eww). I've also had instances where wait staff wasn't sure who was with who due to her inappropriate behaviors. After 12 years, I'm completelydisengaged from DH's kids; way too much drama and trouble for my life.
So, again, I strongly suggest counseling to address this issue. Make sure to "interview" your therapist to know if he/she has experience in the High Conflict Step world, and Mini Wife Syndrome. There is a lot to unwrap here and not every therapist is qualified to work in this area. Good luck.
This is on your SO.
This is on your SO. Personally, if he was acting all cuddy with SD, especially to the point someone mistook them for a couple I would leave - the room, the restaraunt, etc. I wouldn't play third wheel to anyone & I wouldn't want to be associated with the pervert cradle robber - which is the judgement people around him are making (unless they deal with a miniwife). Why do you tolerate it?
Do not move in or marry this guy UNLESS he creates strong appropriate boundaries with SD. Honestly I doubt that he will, thats my negativity showing.
If you marry this man I will bet the pig pen SD will amp up the clingy behavior. She has been the wife/daughter for many years. The center of attention. Dang NFW will she want want to give it up. Your SO's guilt wont let him either. You will constantly feel second place . Your insecurities that you have already will also be amplified.
I was married to a man with a mini wife. It breaks the heart, takes away self esteem. I never ever felt good, attractive or special because SD was lurking in the shadows as the other woman type behavior.
Date if you want with him, but dont move in. You will NEVER be the queen of the castle. If it is difficult now and you dont live with him, just wait til you do. Your life will never be peaceful. But even dating him look at all the insecurities you have with this. Any woman would. Life is to short to live like this.
I feel that me being in the
I feel that me being in the house full time would allow me to control some of it by showing authority as an equal partner to my SO. I would be there to stop the behavior and discipline the behavior more. My SO isnt against me discipling his kids but I havent tested the waters very far because I am not their step mom yet. They dont misbehave very often but they are teenagers so they should know better. Shes never had anyone to show her what her place is and I feel that if I was there all the time she would get it. I really dont know how much of her behavior is intentional or if she is just really immature in the independance department. Or maybe its that she is trying to compensate not having a mother by being over the top with the only parent she does have. Im not sure but I love this man and those kids and I want it to work.
echo the others - if things are bad now, in the "honeymoon phase", they will only get worse over time.
From how you described things, your SO doesnt want to change things. Youve told him how you feel, what you think, what is wrong and he shoots you down each time. He is enjoying the attention from SD. He is getting his emotional needs met and the women in his life are competing for his attention. He will not want to change this very dysfunctional dynamic. Because he doesnt want it to change, you can diagram, do therapy, buy the books, underline the passages, bookmark, video tape all you want.
Hes not seeing the truth, because he doesnt want to change. So, his technique is to push everything back on you. I used to hear the same trope "your jealous of a CHILD". And then I explained things, and it got nasty. But things changed. SD no longer pushes herself in between us like she did as a child. She no longer gets in between us when I hug my DH. Its been long enough and Ive done enough, that he cannot say I dont love his child, so I just make everything about her "best interest".
You can try that one, sometimes that gets changes happening. Its in her best interest long term, for her to individuate herself from the family unit, and it will be better for her relationships if she acts like the child and not the wife. Plus, you will have to excuse yourself because its not in your best interest to be the side-woman. Although that point may not make a difference.
This SD will have a very rude awakening when she goes out into the world and no one worships her.
Rude awakening
The rude awakening is what I am trying to save her from. I love the kid even though she frustrates me sometimes and I dont want her to come crashing down off the pedestal and be hurt. She is sensitive enough as it is. I think he is starting to realize it some but unfortunately a lot of the damage is already done.
My SD still “hand holds”
This girl is in her late 20s and still tries to hold daddy's hand or put his arm around her. It creeps me out and it hasn't gotten better. She's been creeping me out since she was in her mid-teens. I'm an SD on both sides and have NEVER behaved this way with my SPs. I totally respect and am happy for both my my Bparents. SD continues to be enabled by her limited sized family and can't get her #!#! together, hmmmm... I wonder why?!
Anniebear1115, it is so
Anniebear1115, it is so unfortunate you are going through this with your significant other. Some of the members of this board give really great advice. They really helped put things in perspective when I was in a relationship with a man, who hid the fact he had a mini-wife and other issues that if I knew the. truth, I would have never dated him. Leaving him was one of the best decisions I ever made.
You said
If you don't mind me asking, are you in your late 20s or early 30s? Do you want to get married or have more kids? If so, why are you wasting precious years of your life on this selfish and emotionally unavailable man? He is willing to hurt you, your son, and even his own son so he can carry on this dysfunctional relationship with his daughter. Even if you two got married and had kids, all that would fo is create more hurt people. Why would you be interested in a man who has this type of dysfunctional relationship with his daughter? You have already wasted 4.5 years of your life on him. Why waste anymore?
You said
Hinting at marriage and moving in together?? Sounds like he is just stringing you along. Why would you want to marry a man who doesn't love you and respect you as his partner? If you marry him or even move in with him with the level of disrespect he already has for you, can't you see things will only get worse? You are settling yourself up for a lifetime of heartache if you stay with this guy.
You said
Why would you allow this guy to make YOUR minor son feel "less than," all so he can put his daughter on a pedestal? That is extremely damaging. Do you defend your son, when this occurs? Your significant gets defensive or shuts down when you try to bring up anything regarding his daughter. That is quite manipulative. He knows he is wrong, but that is his way of letting you know he doesn't plan on changing anything. It is not about you being jealous or insecure, it's about him blatantly disrespecting you. If he wasn't ready for a healthy adult relationship, then he shouldn't date or be in a relationship with you or any other woman. He doesn't get a pass to act like "less than" a man just because his daughter's mom passed when she was young. Didn't he know that prior to meeting you??? As sad as it may be that his daughter's mom passed when she was young, I wouldn't allow someone to come into my life and treat me "less than" for any reason and especially not because of something that occurred prior to meeting me. I also wouldn't be going to couples therapy/counseling for this. This is THEIR problem, not yours. If your significant other wanted a healthy relationship with his daughter, he had 12 years since the time her mom passed to go to therapy/counseling and make changes. He hasn't done that. He obviously can't teach her what's appropriate behavior for a young lady. If he truly loved you, respected you, and trusted you, he would allow you to put those much needed boundaries in place and work with you on them. He isn't doing that, and unfortunately I just don't see this turning out well for you.
I am in my early 30's and I
I am in my early 30's and I dont have any desire to have any more kids. My SO never dealt with the loss of his wife. He never did what was necessary to heal any of that hurt. He just pushed it down and swore to never fall in love again. He was very gaurded and still is in certain catagories. But our relationship has come a long long way in those 4 years. We built our relationship slowly and he does make me feel very loved and wanted. My SD initiates the inappropriate behavior and he doesnt stop it in the way that he should. He does want to hurt her feelings. He knows some of the bahavior is inappropriate but he has never had anyone to tell him that it was before. Its always been daddy and his kids so the dynamic is off because there was no woman in the mother role. Hes having a hard time letting go of his "baby" which I assume is really difficult but it has to happen. Im coming into the thick of it kinda late in the game and im stepping into a role that they have never experienced before so it is difficult for all of us. I am trying to teach them that father and mother sit together and children sit together but its hard when her whole life its been "I get to sit with daddy" I love my SO and I can see a great future together with him. I love his children even though they can be very frustating and I want to have relationships with all of them which I do. I am the primary discipline for my son and he has his dad in his life to be the other half of that. My SO does discipline my son on occasion but never more then a "stop doing that". I do defend my son on the occasion that something does happen or when SD does things on purpose to get him in trouble such as starting a game and then getting irritated when my son wont stop. I am working on putting the boundaries in place and making healthy changes to their dysfunction but I feel that it would be much easier if I was seen as the wife and step mom rather then "dads girlfriend" I feel that if i was in the home full time that I could discipline more and be that mother figure and that she would be able to accept that more. Nothing is going to change overnight but I love this man and I know that we can make it work.
Next time he hints about
Next time he hints about marriage, tell him that he already has a wife. Then, when he protests, ask him who sits beside him in restaurants? Who holds his had all the time. Who gives him constant kisses? Who etc.etc.etc. with all of the things that she does that he should be doing with you. You're not jealous, you just want your rightful place as his partner, not as his daughter's (almost) equal. Maybe also be blunt and ask him what people think of them when they see them together, 1. he's a pedophile, 2. h's growing his own, 3. she's jailbait. Photos of them together could illustrate this because he probably doesn't realize how bad things are.
He really doesnt
I have known him for quite a while and I know that he doesnt realize how bad it is because to him all he sees is his little baby with the cute little pig tails and the princess dress. He still see her as a little girl instead of the young woman that she is. He doesnt want to acknowledge that she is grown and that certain things arent appropriate anymore. I do not think that there is any ill intent on his part and I dont know how much of hers is really intentional either. He does hold my hand a lot and kisses me (acutal kisses) out in public so he does treat me like his SO. I just wish that he would do better at shooting down her attempts at the behavior.
Then try taking photos of
Then try taking photos of them when they are holding hands, heads on shoulders, etc. Sometimes the shock of reality when they see how they really look can be enough to make them understand... Like you said, he still sees her as his little princess but it's time he was shown that she is growing up and that it's his role to help her grow up ... not keep her suspended in childhood forever.
What I did
So my SD12 has/had mini wife syndrome excessively. Constantly wanting to lay on her dad and cuddle with him, would stroke his face and look at him like she was in love with him, she needed to hold his hand anywhere we went, she needed to sit with him when we would go out to eat, she felt that she had control over what is hung on the wall at our house, and what goes where in the kitchen, it was bad up until recently.
I had hit my breaking point and just expressed to my DBF of how I felt and what mini wife syndrome was and what a disney dad was, and how it looked and that he knows that our daughters are only a year apart in age. I expressed how I felt like I was the other woman, and all of this I expressed super calmly and he gave me back calm responses. He said it was because he still see's his daughter as his little girl. Well, we ended the conversation and ever since then things started to change. We just had another discussion about it on our mini vacation and I was like, "Look, she's going to be a teenager in just a couple of months, a teenager..." And he just made this shocked looked and he then said, "Wow, you're right. and I have put a stop to kissing on the lips and cuddling and will continue to."
Sometimes just having a sit down often until you start to see a change really does help. It is HIS job to put a stop to her behaviors, not yours. But you have to I guess, "wake him up" open his eyes and like winterglow said, take pictures and then show him, it may do the trick... or having other's witness it as well.