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How would your husbands/FDHs/SOs treat your skids SOs/spouses/future spouses differently than the skids treat you?

Anon2009's picture

This is something that I usually would ask in the adult forum, but many of us have teen SKs too who will someday have BFs, GFs, future spouses and spouses.

My SDs and I didn't get along too well until about 6 years ago. Before that, it was pure hell on everyone. And their behavior has improved immensely, but they are still recovering from the guilty parenting, abuse from men at BM's house, etc. But they were so awful to me! Always pouncing right between me and DH. I'm sure a lot of it was because they missed him and were hungering for attention from him, but it annoyed me. They always tried to run in between us, etc.

Things are much better now. SD17 has a BF and he is very nice. DH likes him and I do too. But sometimes seeing SD17 and her BF together makes me wonder how our spouses would treat the SOs of their teen kids differently than said teen kids treat us (the SPs). How would your spouses treat the SOs of your teen SKs differently than teen SKs treat you?

My DH wouldn't run between them or pounce in between them and their SOs.


Anon2009's picture

That's sad about their drug habits. Didn't one of your Sks just break up with their so? Maybe she'll become a sp }:)

hismineandours's picture

Im not sure how dh would act towards ss15's gf-but gee, I can think of a few ways that I'd love to act!!

When they come in the door, I could roll my eyes and sigh and say, "What's SHE doing here?"

Then I could proceed to sit directly next to my ss and address every single comment to him and dh as in, "hey ss and dh, did you know?"

Then I could share stories of ss's former girlfriends and how awesome I thought they were.

Finally, when ss asks me what the heck I'm doing treating someone he cares about this way, I'll just say, "Oh, its nothing personal I just prefer you to spend all your time with only me and dh".