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Is it just me?

Anon2009's picture

Or does everyone else agree that dads and stepdads tend to get along better/have less drama?

I think that with us women, we are much more emotional and territorial. In some ways I can understand why people feel the way they do, though it certainly doesn't justify their behavior.

I just think there is so much less drama between dads and stepdads. What do you all think?


BMJen's picture

My DH and my x talk more than me and my x do. DH is nice to him, has no issue with him, etc. He has had to tell the x once that he understands he is my son's father, but the x MUST respect me as DH's wife, don't cross that step and all will be well. The x understood and they've gotten along great! I really can't believe how much they have NO issues........

Me and the human beast bitch on the other hand, it's like oil and water.

This is a great blog..............dead on!

Anon2009's picture

My DH has met some of BM's exes before. None of her relationships lasted long. However, she'd have a boyfriend at her house when DH went to get/ pick up the kids and DH and the boyfriend were always nice to each other, totally laid-back. DH told the BF, treat my kids well, and all will be fine. Treat them wrong, and there'll be problems. As far as I can tell, all of BMs boyfriends were nice to the kids. In fact, I think part of the reason so many of them ditched her was because they disagreed with her PAS tactics.

BMJen's picture

Me and my x no longer have feelings for one another, at all. Neither of us do. So it's easier for my DH to deal with him then it is for me to deal with the human beast bitch. She is constantly underminding my home, testing my patience, draining our bank, etc. My x is just a dead beat that we see once a year. No biggie!

I think it's always harder when you have to deal with someone that thinks they still "own" your SO, ya know?

And most BM's think they own our DH's!!

The Principlist's picture

I say the majority of dads/SDs have it easier. At least in my case.

My BD and DH get along fabulously.

SD and I get along pretty well most days. In the beginning it was a fight because she was busy trying to claim the role of #1 lady in DHs life. AT 3 years old. Was a very mean little something but I think a lot of that was a direct reflection of crap that BM was feeding her that showed up in her behavior towards me. Now that she is older and can see for herself that I'm not the enemy things are really good 90% of the time.

SS and I used to be really close. In fact, closer than SD and I. After alot of PAS from BM things play strained off and on with us. Somedays I am good and some days I am the devil. I notice that I am more good when BM conveniently forgets that she has kids. When she isn't calling all the time and spewing her nonsense things are good. When she is doing what she does best...creating chaos things are a nightmare. It all depends. There aren't many happy mediums with regards to dealing with her so I play a damn good game of keep away.

I just didn't think it would be this hard. Hell BD loves me. All of BDs friends love me. I am the cool mom that they all have adopted. My house is a revolving ZOO door when they are all visiting from college. So it was awkward when the negative behaviors came in.

NOPE not just you. I say that all the time. But maybe it is based on how well the bio parent enforces too. In the beginning DH did not do much enforcing.

Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P

lovelovelove's picture

I wouldn't husband's ex-wife is a lesbian. She will never come out, she will never move on...she will never re-marry...and she will continue to make our lives a living hell forever!! Because she is CRAZY!!