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a_nurse's picture

Does anyone know about harrassment and laws? I have phone and email harrassment from BM. I have blocked her as well as gone to the police. Does anyone have a story with information? I would really appreciate it as I am so tired of dealing with her psychosis.


lmac's picture

BM has been told not to contact me again or I'll file harassment charges.

Things she was doing: Writing on my wall (things like "bitch you better stay away from MY kids. I done told you!") & sending me PMs on FB. I would delete without replying, and THEN I blocked her, and THEN she used my stepdaughter's acct to message me things.

Finally I just ended up deleting facebook, but I do think about getting back on, because I'd like to file harassment charges on her, and she doesn't know any way to get in touch with me now, lol. }:)

lmac's picture

Yes, she is white trash IRL, but via text or facebook, she believes she grew up in Detroit.

This is BM that told me to "No you're roll," btw.

Oh, and I showed it to my DH and he was like, "Yanno, she probably worked so hard trying to spell that."