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So much for “keeping the peace”!

Anywho78's picture

So much for “keeping the peace”!

For those that read & responded to my last post, SO attempting to “keep the peace” with BM Nasty is highly over-rated and only opens the door for her to lie to SS8 & SD7, manipulating the truth in an attempt to make SO and I look bad and make her look like the poor cheated mommy dearest! I knew this already & couldn’t be bothered argue to about it (already did that with SO)…history has a way of repeating itself, and this, of course, was no exception.

After nearly 9 weeks of no contact, BM Nasty finally Skyped with the Skids. Instead of talking about what SHE has planned for their whopping 4.5 days with her, she talked about the fact that SO & I will be taking them to Disney…and that the reason SHE isn’t taking them is because their dad decided to take them instead…she then tells them that when WE drive them to FL again next year, she will take them to Disney for a whole 2 days. The conversation continued on with her prattling on about how much we do that she just can't.

Ok…first off Nasty, WE will not be driving to FL next year…we arranged this so that she could afford to take the Skids to Disney THIS YEAR, to be nice (hell, it was even my suggestion!!). Secondly, don’t blame SO that you aren’t taking them to Disney, but rather to the library…this was entirely your own choice. Our taking them to Disney was decided once she told them that they were going to the library instead!

The Skids were of course totally confused by the whole conversation acting like poor SO took their mommy’s cookies away from her. His reaction to the accusatory glares was priceless!

SD7 always responds to this type of crap by following me and attempting to cling onto me in a continuous fashion. This is a little pet peeve of mine since I promote independence, but I managed to work through it with her…summer clothes shopping what a treat I tell ya! SS8 took everything in stride, as per usual.

I have to say, that over the course of my nearly 3 year relationship with my SO, he has let BM Nasty slide on numerous heinous acts, not calling her on her shit all in the name of “keeping the peace”. I could give a laundry list 10 miles long but won’t. Maybe, one day, he will see that “keeping the peace” is actually a way to throw one’s self under the bus all for the good of the crazy piece of nasty that is, BM.


serenitypatiencelove's picture

My husband does the peace keeping with his X-wife too. It is necessary due to her mental illness, but soooo hard to take! I understand how you feel.