Update on the "birthday party" and not being grateful for step grands
Update on the SGC's (2 yr old twin girls) that I am "not grateful enough" for...their "birthday party" at our house has now escalated into a dinner for DH's entire family (my MIL, FIL, both SIL's and whatever parts of their family they choose to bring). My mom and sis were invited only after it was "approved" by my MIL who is depressive and had to "ok" whether she could be around my family or not.
I asked DH if it didn't hurt him just a little that SD had the "big" party with her parents and her DH's parents, but didn't invite us...clearly, she views us as the "other" parents.
How in the heck am I supposed to be grateful for THIS?
- apete's blog
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My thoughts exactly, and I am
My thoughts exactly, and I am going to the DOLLAR store after work to get the stuff!
Why are you doing this at all
Why are you doing this at all considering how their treating you? Cancel. Would you let strangers treat you like this? In your own home? Seriously?
If your dh wants to have a party, let him. Someplace else where his mother can pay for it.
And you don't have to go.
Come on, they get to treat you like poop and then your going to serve and clean up after them....
Just saying....
yes, you are right...and this
yes, you are right...and this is after 20 YEARS. I thought once SD was married, things would get better. They just get worse.
I am stupid, stupid, stupid.
Naw, you're not "stupid",
Naw, you're not "stupid", just trying to be the peacemaker. DH is enabling SD to be the "ruler/dictator" that she is. Sounds like she is running the show and everyone else just does what she says. Time for THAT to end! If she forces the issue again next year, tell her you'll meet her at McD's or Chucky Cheese and SHE can pay for the party!
And now - DH just said he is
And now - DH just said he is working 10-hr days thru Fri - the party is set for Sat...guess who is in charge now?!
Don't you feel a stomach
Don't you feel a stomach virus coming on?
I'm thinking more like strep
I'm thinking more like strep throat...something that would keep EVERYone away!
You are right, and much less
You are right, and much less messy.
No way in hell would I do
No way in hell would I do this for them - please cancel dear!!!!!
I'm with everyone else here,
I'm with everyone else here, you have strep throat!
do not do this for them at all. They are mean and you don;t have to put up with it! people only treat you the way you ALLOW them to treat you.
I had strep four times
I had strep four times earlier this year. Just tell them we had lunch and leave out the part where I had the tonsils removed.
Unfortunately I don't think I
Unfortunately I don't think I can get out of it without a fight from hell with DH. He thinks it is perfectly normal for grandparents to throw a big shindig. Of course, that's because SD wants it that way.