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Update to "at my wits end"

joka1111's picture

The original was here:

They have a court date, I have contacted my insurance.....I am paying the amount due because they continue to maintain "I am a third party and not entitled to anything from them and not a part of the divorce". So, we owe about $900, grand total after my insurance processes it, almost $2000.00 sent out to me, yours truly, the "third party". So, this is such the case of cutting off your nose ;).....her out of pocket costs would have completely been covered, but since she chose to document this all in court, she gets NOTHING! And further, IF she has the supplementary policy at work, she has now sued me in court saying that it is a valid debt (which is why my insurance company is paying) and if it is found that it was covered under that one, my company will pursue insurance fraud...really, really, really sucks for her. Sadly, the state of washington doesn't really look our for the non-custodial parent, but alas, I made a nice chunk of change and will continue to do it (oh, and my husband's insurance will cease next week....guess who is picking them up on their policy...yep, the third party). And keep in mind that I have NEVER asked her to pay any portion of my premium--nor would I, I just feel that if it is available, you can never have "too much insurance" being from an insurance background.

If anything, this has made me super aware of how I treat my ex, I don't think we have EVER been to the point that she is at right now, and I certainly hope to never be there....too much wasted energy :D.

Thanks again for all the support and comments!

purpledaisies's picture

That is awesome! At least if it blows up it will blow up in her face!!! At last someone that will not be getting away with trying to get extra money! YAY!