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Only getting better

Aquarius018's picture

Ss turned 16 last week and Dh threw a massive surprise party for him. Everyone was invited (in-laws, Bm's family, family friends, Ss's friends). The house was packed with well over 30 people. Ss walked in through the front doors and everyone shouted "surprise" and was wishing him a happy birthday. He was almost in tears. I have never seen Ss look so happy before. 

I did notice that his eyes were wondering around the room.  Dh had to go upstairs because he forgot to Ss's present upstairs. When Ss saw Dh, his face lit up. He ran to dh and gave him and a hug. Ss hasn't embraced dh in a long time. It  was a beautiful thing to witness. 

Therapy has been doing wonders  for them and Dh is thrilled to be getting his son back. This was Ss's first birthday without Bm since her death so everyone knew to be very loving towards him. 

 Ss has his own driver but he wants to learn to drive. He got his learners 6 months ago. He asked Dh if he would teach him how to drive. Another tender moment between the two. 

Dh is just waiting eagerly for the day when Ss starts addressing him as "dad" again. At this rate, I'm sure it will be soon. 

As for our Christmas plans, We've already booked a 7 night Eastern Caribbean Cruise for december 30. We will be flying down to Miami on the 28th. We're going to surpise Ss on the last day of classes before the break. 


Aquarius018's picture

i'm just so... happy right now Everything has been falling to place lately.

But I hear you, it's up to Ss. I'm just glad that the both of them are developing a relationship again. 

Siemprematahari's picture

What awesome news! Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and that you have a blast on your trip.

Just take baby steps when it comes to SS and remain strong for each other.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I'm so very glad things are turning around for SS.  He does deserve some happiness. and you and your DH too.