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thankless job

are we there yet's picture

I am SO happy to have found this website to vent about the draining life of a step parent.
It's tricky to not let the guilt consume me.....because I DON'T LIKE HIS KIDS!
I have NO kids of my own. When I 1st met them, the SD had just turned 13, & the SS had just turned 15.
THE WORST POSSIBLE AGES! These kids were already set in their slobby ways, and have their single dad wrapped around their fingers. Typical to a split home, these kids are expert manipulators that fuel the hate that their parents have for each other.

The boy is now almost 19 and STILL living at home. He does NOTHING to contribute to the household. He is ALWAYS home, and ALWAYS around. He is socially awkward, yet has this fear of missing out.
This child is almost 19, yet acts like he's 15. He's behind in every aspect. I think there's some bigger issues & he should have been tested, but dad was too afraid of having his precious child "labeled", now the rest of the world has to deal with this adolescent.

I'm beyond frustrated living here with these kids.....and looking back if I had known, I wouldn't do it again. These kids only confirm my choice of NOT having kids is a good choice. I feel like these kids are the poster children of rotten teenagers.
I'm tired of having to LOCK UP EVERYTHING!


Natalie88's picture

19 is old enough for the kids to get a job and move out, stand on their own feet... Could you help them?

DaizyDuke's picture

Give him a dead line to find a job and start contributing or move out. But be sure DH has this talk with him.

Aw on Fantasy Island this might work, but I don't see her DH doing ANY of this. He is the one who CREATED this problem and if it hasn't bothered him by the age of 19, I don't see it bothering him at the age of 29, 39, 49. And we all know how it will end if poster presses the issue.... with a "you just hate skids" and drama, drama, drama, drama.

Don't mean to be a Debby Downer, but she's screwed

EvilAngel's picture

Welcome! My SD16 is socially awkward too. She is always home unless she's at school, has no friends, zero desire to get her license, plays xbox and draws cartoons all day. I want her ass out of my house when she turns 18 but I will probably have to deal with what you are going through.