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asgoodasitgets's picture

because that it what my DH needs to do!

This weekend was our EOW with SD. Unfortunately, my DH had to work all day today. He owns his own business, there was no one that could take his shift, & he had no other choice but to work. At least that is what he told me. I was angry, not because it meant that I would have to watch SD for him, but because I feel like he only gets her a few days a month, therefore should make more of an effort to spend that time with her & not working. I was more angry that his employees never help him out when he needs them than I was that he had to work. I understood that he was over a barrel & agreed to help him for part of the day & then MIL would take SD for the other part of the day.

Fast forward to Friday night. He emails BM that SD would not be at her early Sat. morning soccer game in BM-Town as he had to work. BM replies that this is her last game & team pics so she'd really like for her to be there. She was even willing to pick SD up in our town & take her to the game. Fine, I said. If SD can't be with DH, then she should be with BM anyway in my opinion. Well, I see DH writing back & forth to BM Friday night, then this morning he gets up early & leaves with SD. He tells me nothing. I assumed he was dropping her off to BM & heading to work. A couple hours later, he returns with SD & they talk about how great her game was. Then he gets ready to go to work & tells me that MIL in will be coming by in a few hours to pick SD up.

"What's wrong with you?" he asks.

I reply, "Well, DH, I find it so disrespectful to both me & your mother that when you were making plans for this weekend, you told both of us that there was no way that you could get off work today to spend time with SD, yet the moment BM makes a fuss, you are magically able to find a way for someone to cover the morning shift for you while you take SD to her game. It seems you are more concerned with saving face with BM than you are with actually being an involved dad or inconveniencing your wife & mother."

He stormed out mumbling something like "when is your period gonna be over". BTW, I am not on my period. Jerk.


twoviewpoints's picture

I'm not sure I even see what happened as BM throwing a fuss or BM's fault really at all. BM offered to come get the child (maybe she's a pain usually but here I see her as just learning SD isn't coming to last game and getting team photo so offering to help since Dad has to work).

Who was a jerk was DH. What's up with telling you he has to work, then just leaving the house to go to game without a word? He owes you an apology for the way he treated you both before leaving for the day and after. He best also explain how he miraculously got a shift replacement spur of the moment when he couldn't possibly before.

asgoodasitgets's picture

I never said it was BM's fault. My whole post was about my DH's lack of respect toward me. I just think he cares more about what kind of dad BM "thinks" he is than actually being a good dad. It is as though her opinion matters more than mine or MIL's or SD's for that matter. That is the problem.

I was not privy to the conversation between DH & BM regarding the game today, but I do know that DH didn't really think it was a big deal until he contacted BM. She knows how to push his buttons & make him feel guilty (based on past experience). That is all I meant by a "fuss". Like I said, if DH didn't take SD to her game, then I had no problem with BM doing so.

But a few days earlier, DH & I had a tiff about the importance of spending time with SD. He said he understood but had no choice but to work. Suddenly, after speaking to BM, he found another choice. That is what I, as his wife, find insulting.

cfmommyof3's picture

Seriously, why do men always assume we are having our periods when they piss us off? Makes you wanna change his name to period so it makes a bit of sense when they say that