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SD acts like a 2 yr old!!!

Newstep's picture

Hi everyone. I know this has been discussed before but I just have to vent. My SD is 12 going to be 13 in January. She acts like a two year old!! She is small for her age and honestly she looks like she is 8 or 9. But her behavior is that of a toddler. She can't do anything for herself nothing!! I have been living with them for about a year and BF has come along way in making her more responsible and independent. When I first moved in she wouldn't cut her own food, put on her shoes, hang up her towel after a shower, fold and put away clothes, blow dry her hair, turn on the shower, the list goes on and on.

I was really shocked. I have worked since I got divorced my kids are very independent they did all this stuff for themselves since they were around 8. I couldn't believe that he still did all that for her. I told him that he was doing her more harm than good by coddling her. He had to help her learn these things so she could be responsible and take care of herself. He honestly didn't know he thought he was being a good parent by doing everything for her.

To her credit she has done amazing she has just rolled right along with the changes and she is thriving. She loves the structure and responsibility. She has her moments where she reverts back and that is my vent.

We went to my sons football game on Friday. SD had stayed home sick (she has asthma) on Friday so we left her with BF's brother and his wife and went to the game. My son has been playing football since 5th grade and he is a senior this year. In all those years I have missed maybe 5 games. So his senior year games are very important to me. The game was about 1 1/2 hours away so we drop her off and are on our way. Not even 15 mins later she calls and wants to talk to her dad.
SD Where is my dad I want to talk to him
NS Sorry SD he is driving what's up?
SD oh (long silence) well I am bored
NS we just dropped you off how can you be bored already?
SD well I am you will be home in a couple of hours right?
NS no we have an 1 1/2 drive so we wont be home untill late. Dad will pick you up in the morning.
SD (silence) Ok bye

So he hears the conversation and no big deal we head out on our way. We arrive just in time for the game and sit down. I start taking pics and we are watching the game. My camera batteries were dying so I get in my bag and realize I have a text msg. Its from SD "hey does my dad have his phone"
I get BF's phone and find 18 texts from SD in a one hour period. Escalating with each one. Started with "Dad I'm bored!!!!!" ended with "I either want to go HOME or go to MOM's right now!!!" Seriously we are over and hour away and you want us to run home and get you because you are bored!!! He texted her back "You are fine where you are I don't want to see another message unless its an emergency, I will text you when we get back to town if you are up I will pick you up if not I will get you tomorrow morning" She immediately texts back with about 20 sad face emoticons. He put his phone away and we finished watching the game.


ThatGirl's picture

Sounds very much like SS13. He calls constantly when he's not with us. It's to the point that we don't even answer the phone sometimes. You can tell it's him without even looking at the caller ID, because he'll call the house phone, then the cell phone, then the house, then the cell, then the... you get the point. Of course he'll never leave a message, so there's no telling if it's important or not.

All four of his kids are the same way (three of them were still at home when we started living together). Dad, I'm hungry. Dad, I'm bored. Dad, I want something to drink. Dad, start the shower for me. It was hell when it was all three of them, but just the one left now is still a pain in the butt.

helen17's picture

I totally sympathise. My SS-14 at the time rang my SO from france (we are in UK) where he was skiing with his BM and said he was bored and wanted dad to pick him up. And guess what? Daddy did!! He drove hundreds of miles overnight on new yrs eve and spent £300 to bring the brat home. Manipulation.....

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

My FH had to tell his 24 year old son to quit calling and if he didn't answer to leave a message. This kid will call and call and call and call! Hello, that is why they invented VoiceMail. Leave a damn message!

lmac's picture

My 60 year old mother does that as well. She actually filled up my VM with about 100 messages one day that all said "It's mum. Call me back."

It's not an immaturity thing, it's a "I WANT ATTENTION NOW!" thing.

jojo68's picture

My SD11 does the same crap..looks and acts more like a 5 year old.
1. Follows her father around everywhere he goes
2. Hangs all over people
3. Talks like a baby
4. unable to have an itelligent conversation with an adult
5. in constant motion and in a constant state of boredom
6. very destructive
7. throws tantrums
8. unable to entertain herself
9. gets upset if she isn't the center of attention and will do anything to put all the focus back on herself no matter who it hurts and what the cost.
10. Completely out of touch with reality!