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I need creative ideas on how to put BM in her place

asheeha's picture

Ok, this is my first blog. I've posted a couple questions in the forum but I'll give you a little background information first, please bare with me because I really need advice.

I met my DH a few months after he and BM divorced. She found out about me a few months later and then went crazy, she was never a peach but she had a restraining order on DH and within a week of finding out about me she dropped it and started trying to get him back. They have 2 girls together 5 & 7 at the time and now 8 & 10. She is manipulative, controlling, and a PASinator. Within 7 months of her divorce she had already gotten pregnant with another man's child and she was DESPERATE to get my DH back to take care of her and this new baby. It didn't work, she had already caused too much damage. However, she hadn't let her dream go. She told DH she would tell everybody it was his kid anyway and did give the boy my DHs last name.

We were married last May 2011 and she began filing court orders to get child support changed. She is notorious for making plans for DH to see the girls and then breaking her word at the last min. or adding some ridiculous condition, for instance, having us take her baby if we want to spend time with the girls. It's truly maddening.

I have stayed with my DH through all of this and he has been a very confused man. I have had to fight for my self-respect and dignity in ways that I never expected I would have to with the man that I would call husband. But the main reason I have stayed with and eventually married this man is because he responded, grew and learned how to put me first in his life.

My most recent struggle is with BM. At a game we were at I had addressed her to tell her something. She ignored me completely, turning and walking away with her nose in the air. I guess this is simply the straw that has broken the camels back for me. I have tried to avoid tense situations, I don't go to the girls IPPs or court dates or other "private" places, because I know my presence is weird and uncomfortable for her. So, I just don't go. Well, SD8 had to have 7 teeth extracted last Mon. and she was going to be put under anesthesia. Again, I did not go to the hospital however encouraged DH to do so. At that time BM's mom was there, at the hospital, but she only stayed in the room when DH was gone. Whenever DH came back to be with his daughter BM's mom would leave them alone. BM started talking about her personal dating life and asking questions about my and DHs attempts to have a child etc, etc.

So, she inquires about our life together to my DH but she will completely ignore me when I address her? Not to mention the years of hateful lies she's told about me and the awful things she has said about me and told the kids. Well, that did it. I'm doing nothing to alleviate her anymore. She has disrespected me in such a massive way that I could care less about her or her feelings.

It's as though she thinks there is some private sacred space still left for her in DHs life/heart. I again had to fight for my dignity with DH. I want her to know that he is no longer hers, there is NOTHING private about their conversations. Yes, they share kids and he has to deal with her, but that's not a private matter. When I explained this to DH, I used the example of me having to work with a man and I couldn't get out of it, and him lying about DH, shutting him out of conversations he has with me, and flirting with me behind DHs back. I told DH if there was a man who did this I would shut him down, I would begin having DH at every meeting and making it clear to my inappropriate business partner that he overstepped his bounds and had lost all "privacy" privileges with me. THAT is when DH really got my point. He needs to step up for me.

So I would love your thoughts and ideas on how to make it abundantly clear to BM where she stands.

These are my ideas:
-Have BM on speaker phone whenever she talks to DH and he will only talk with her when I'm around (but how to let her know I'm there listening to her too, because that's what I want, I want her to know she isn't having a private convo)
-DH stays with me at all times when BM is around and he is happy.
-Go to anything I want with my DH regardless of her feelings

I don't know but it feels COMPLETELY wrong for DH to pacify this monster while she spits in my face. I simply can't tolerate it.

DH hates BM and doesn't give her much attention, just the bare minimum. BM is a phenomenal rambler and can talk for an hour when what she really needs to communicate can be done in 5 min. DH is good about wrapping it up with her. I'm not jealous and I'm not threatened I'm just REALLY pissed off and can't tolerate her disrespect and I want my DH to stand up for me.

thanks for your help


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

My suggestion is this. Don't attempt to put her in her place. Ignore her. You don't have to put up with this treatment. Have NO interaction with her.

DH is the one that needs to put her in her place.

When DH and I first moved in together, BM3 did this same crap. Was a total jerk, practically stalked DH. Well, he had moved into my house, which pretty much drove her crazy. She would call and text him all the time just trying to engage him and have some remnant of a private thing with him.

He stopped taking her calls...let them all go to voicemail. When she would text, he would read it, and if it was important, he would get back to her when he felt like it. If it was something personal or irrevelant, he would just ignore it. She eventually got the clue and moved on to the next sucker. Your DH has to make her realize that her personal crap is NO priority to him.

As far as letting her manipulate using the kids, don't engage that crap. Get a court order for visitation, and go strictly by the court order. If she's not where she's supposed to be when she's supposed to be there, have your DH make ONE attempt to communicate with her about it, then call the police, get an incident report, and hold her in contempt EVERY SINGLE TIME she does this. DH made it clear to BM3 real quick that he would pick SD up in accordance to the court order, and if BM was uncooperative, we would get the police involved, and that it wouldn't take very many contempt hearings before she would have NO custody, and only sparce visitation.

If your DH isn't willing to get really cut and dry with her, he's half the problem, and you need to deal with him before anything will change with her. Luckily for me, my DH was done with her when they split, and he never engaged her in that little game.

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Wow! Its like reading my life!! Bm has caused alot of havoc on my life as well. Looking back on it all, I wish I would have handled it all better, but that was before I found this place. So, here are some of the things she did & what i did.

Bm, once the skids and my now DH started coming over to my house, bm threw a huge hissy (lost control over dh i guess). She sent a looooong email at like 3am Telling him to FORCE me to change my home around to suit her & her ridiculous claims. Ummmm, NO! Thats what did it for me!!! The things she wanted changed was retarded. Ie. she wanted me ti take down my modeling pictures in my home " cause they had boys that were entering puberty and pics of ME in my bathing suite would cause the kids to "want me sexually". OMG I ABOUT DIED when i read that!! I was an accomplished swimmer & im damn proud of it & so is my daughter!! It was a two paged long email on stupid stuff that obviously made HER jealous!! Oh well, get over it!! Lol

Heres what we did. We were engaged at that point, she used to call/text/email etc all day & all night. So WE started responding in ALL ways as a couple. All texts, phone calls etc. were on speakerphone from that day forward, all emails were signef from me and him. I even told the boys once (knowing they would tell her & they did) that iistened in on All phome calls so that there was no discrepencies.

Shes a major control freak, sp she hated it!!! Ha!! She had put me,us, thru hell at this point, i was HAPPY AS HELL it bothered her. So then she started trying to call my dh while he was at work ti get around me i guess. We put (ok I) a stop to that too. I sent dh a email of an article i had found online about "disengaging" from am ex spouse. The article said in order to take a high conflict relationship & make it better for the kids, was to stop interacting as much, keep it short & businesslike & ONLY about the kids. He emailed it to her, along with OUR new boundaries. Which were, if you call, it willnow go to voicemail. Dh will listen and email her bk about it. Boy she hated that!!!!! Blew up Dh's phone constantly for about a week. Then she finally quit!!!!!!!! Shes still a headache, but its now manageable!!!

My suggestion to you? STOP giving her any rights to your man!!!! Its no longer just the two of tem anymore!! I had to physically tell pur BM just that once as well, she stood there staring at me like "uhhh". Lmao. It was priceless!!! But you MUST get your DH on board with all this fpr it to work!!!!

asheeha's picture

Just to clarify, this is about showing BM a united front, not paranoia on my part. When I threw out the idea to DH about me being present during his conversations with BM he smiled smuggly and said, "yeah...that'd shut her up if she knew you were there and could hear her."

Maybe in my highly emotional pissed-off state I headed in the wrong direction. I can accept that and would like to head in the right one. If DH needs to step up, what are some ways he can do that? How have your DHs done it or you would like them too? I would love to never see or talk to her again, but that's not possible.

I have no intentions of being a part of their conversations, but this woman does not live in reality and my presence brings her face to face with it.

Getting to a place in my head where she has zero space is something I'm working on but will take me more time. I also feel that to accomplish this I need to resolve this problem.

asheeha's picture

thanks everybody for replying. I appreciate all the advice and I will take it to heart.

You know, we do most of these things already, we will just have to step it up. She is such a delusional human being.

I esp. like the idea of answering his phone! }:)

I do not like the idea of completely ignoring her existence, it seems petty and childish and it just creates so much awkwardness that is unnecessary. It also feels like weakness to me. But who cares, if she's going to behave like a child I will not waste my time. Dirol