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What a gem...

thelaststraw's picture

So yesterday morning was another morning of DW yelling at both SS's to do what they are supposed to do every. single. school. day. Get up. Get dressed. Make bed. Eat. Brush teeth. I'll break it down to time increments. 30 sec. 2 min. 3 min. 15 min. 2 min.

22 minutes in total. 22 minutes. Instead, untold hours have expired over the last school year with her getting on their case...and nothing changes. Ever heard of that "if you keep doing the same thing and expect a different result..." thing? Yep - I have a front row seat. And in the past I have stepped in and thundered away. But I'm done with that. I'm going to get up, get ready, knock out some stuff and go. And that model is working REALLY well for me over the last few weeks.

So, back to yesterday, SS13 starts talking about how he's going to move out when he is 18. THE DAY CAN'T COME SOON ENOUGH! So DW mentions the military to him. He picks up on this and starts asking me questions. So here's the thing. I've mostly disengaged from this kid, but if I can give him information that relieves me of his presence sooner rather than later, you bet I'm going to do that. When it comes to him going into the military, I'm going to be so supportive people will think I'm Leo Buscaglia.

Anyway, last night the young man was supposed to have a baseball game but it got canceled. The crappy part about this is that it took 40 minutes to travel 7 miles for this canceled baseball game. We get back home and DW and I decide to head to the gym. We get a phone call on the way home asking her where one of his Xbox games is. I suddenly recall - "How is he playing Xbox without the cable to the TV that I have in my dresser drawer?"

We arrive home and fact is, s-head SS went into MY dresser drawer and took something out of it which he had no right to. What punishment did he receive? None.

Is it possible to be disengaged and want to call the thunder on someone?


young-sm-to-be's picture

In short - hell yes it is. You can be disengaged from ss13 emotionally/in a parental capacity and still want to bring the thunder for the s-head messing with your personal space.
Did DW say *anything* about his breach of your privacy??

thelaststraw's picture

Yeah - but that amounted to basically nothing. I haven't said anything to her about it because her reply has been "What do you want me to do?". I already told her - yank him from baseball, ground him, all that stuff...basically my sig.

And what happens? Nada. As in nada damn thing.

whatwasithinkin's picture

I just told DH I am buying locks this weekend for our bedroom door and my basement door. Aswell as when I change my girls and put them back together and move SD out, I have also advised DH there will be a lock on their door as well. Time to get a lock bud!