My crazy life! =) SSSOOOO LONG! but well worth the entertainment
Ok well I am new here so I will give you my whole crazy story here. Its very long! Ok my fiance and I have one child together, she is 8 months old. He was married once before, he has a 15 year old daughter, and a 9 year old son. The ex wife is crazy. From the beginning the kids had been coming to stay with us every other weekend and for at least a week of their school breaks, and most of the summer. We live three hours away from them, so thats six hours for one trip. Six hours on Friday and six hours on Sunday to take them back....which is a lot of time and gets to be a lot of money. For the last year their mother has not made one effort to EVER even meet us halfway. If we ask her to she calls everytime and says she has no gas, her car is broke, or she dont know how to get here....(its very simple). Every single time. If something happens and we dont have the money to go down to get them or we have something big going on here...she tells the kids that their dad doesnt care about them, he only cares about me and the baby, and that he lied he really cant come get them because me and him and doing something with the baby and we dont want them there. He pays her child support every week like he is supposed to...but she calls and says that he doesnt give her enough and she needs more...(they did a dissolution...and that is the amount she agreed too). She gets mad every year because he gets to claim one of their kids on taxes its Jaunary...and she is already calling about that. She should get to claim both of them because he has a kid to claim. When the kids need school clothes, shoes, or anything extra...she tells them she doesnt have any money and they need to call and get it from their father. We bought all of their school clothes and asked her to get them paper, binders, and pens, stuff like that...the next time they came to our house we had to make a trip to Wal-Mart because their mom didnt get it for them and they started school without any. If they want to go to a football game, or the skating rink, she tells them to call their dad, and they call and want him to Western Union them money to go. She had an apartment of her own, but then moved her and the kids in with her boyfriend....who ended up pushing to woman down the front steps and hitting and kicking the she moved into her mom and dads house.....where she still lives...and she is still dating this man even though they are not allowed to be together....and they are getting married as soon as their year is up. In the beginning of December their daughter told her mom that she was thinking about coming to live with us after the school year, and they started screaming at her to get out now and not wait til the end of the year and she needed to get her stuff out and leave now. The daughter got in a fight with her moms parents, and her parents said that the girl hit them (which she didnt...that is a regular thing...everyone in that family lies i believe) so the grandparents called the police and the girl told the police that she was moving in with her dad...and they told her he needed to come get her that at 9p.m. we left our house...and didnt get home until 3 a.m. and brought her and some of her things with us. That next Monday I took her down to the high school and enrolled her in school to get that going and she started that week. We got a lawyer because we had to have papers for the school, and to get child support adjusted, so the lawyer started working on all that. The whole time she lived here EVERYTIME she talked to her mother on the phone they got in huge screaming arguments on the phone. She kept telling us that she wanted to move back because she missed her friends and her mom kept telling her she wasnt allowed to come back and she was better off here.....I dont know why anyone would wanna live there....they yell and scream and call the police all the time! We just kept telling her to try it a little longer and give it a chance here. In January her mother got the papers that said her child support was being cut in half (it all about the money with this woman), that weekend after she found out the daughter went down there for her first weekend visit, and decided she didnt want to come back and her mom decided to let her stay all of a sudden (im guessing because of the child support). She called us and wanted to stay there and her dad told her she needed to come back here at least for one more week, and take the responsibility of turning in her books---stuff like that. Well she started throwing a fit and they kept calling and calling....which is something that is done normally on an every day to every other day basis.......calling once isnt sufficient. So finally her dad ended up telling her that she could just stay down there but she needed to come get her clothes and things she has here. Well the next week they all got in a big fight because they expect my fiance to take her clothes all the way down there to her. He told them that she left them here and that we made mulitple trips to move everything here so they needed to come get them....well this has launched an all out war. Because the ex wife says "IT IS NOT HER JOB" and that "IT IS NOT HER FAULT WE MOVED THREE HOURS AWAY" well yeah it kinda was....could you imagine just by reading this if we all lived in the same town!?!?!? But anyways almost three weeks later the clothes are still here because they wont come get them. And they just call all the time and complain that we are keeping them from her and wont let her have them. Well they got into it again, and the daughter told my fiance that he was nto her dad anymore and she didnt want anything to do with him......she also told all of them that we shake and hit and beat our child.........which we dont by any means. Our child is spolied rotten. And they are now trying to take us to court and turns us in to child services for it. So as you can see this is close to World War 3 and when I said something to the ex wife about it......she informed me it was none of my business, everything that goes on is only between my fiance, her and the kids...and then called her daughter and told her that I called the daughter a whore.....which i never did. so when donald talked to his daughter she was yelling and screaming at him and the ex wifes parents were yelling in the background that they were going to come to my house and kick my a**. Then one of her sisters called my cell would she have my number??? Anyways...she called and was threatining to kick my a** and everything else. So I sent my fiances daughter a message on the internet saying that I did not call her a whore and explained all that and told her that we were not keeping her clothes from her but that it was their responsibility to come get them...considering we made a few trips to get her things....ans she left them here and it was her and her mothers decision for her to stay there.....I think that is only fair, there was nothing mean, no foul launguage, and no threats in it. Well she checks her email at school because they dont have a computer. And she printed the letter off and took it and showed it to all of them...and I dont know if she changed it or what she did but her mother called me and left me messages saying that I am not allowed to contact her daughter on the internet at school and they all read what we wrote and she was taking the letter to the school and turning it in???? Turning it in for what? Then the ex wife's other sister called me screaming at me because I was sending them threts and using foul language...and everything else so who knows what that is about.......and that my fiance and I need to "grow up" and we are being immature by keeping her clothes.....we need to grow up and they call me 8 times within 2 or 3 hours. and leave me 3 messages....and if it is no ones business why are her sisters and parents and everyone else calling????? So I mean this is just one episode in a long line of things that have happened over the past if you have any advice please help me, or just leave me a comment on how crazy this sounds feel free!
- ashNdonald's blog
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makes my head spin
Hi ashNdonald, welcome to the site. Girl, my mind is spinning after reading what you are going through. I am trying to figure out how I could deal with such a situation where an entire ex family is screaming for my blood. I commend you because you've kept cool when there is a have a perfect reason to go crazy. This is why it sucks when such BMs corrupt their kids minds into going along with their madness. It is crystal clear that some BMs are definitely not looking out for their kids welfare. Its about the cs and being spiteful to their exes who have moved on and are happy. They are so bent on evil that they don't even see how their kids are getting affected by all the fighting. It makes me wonder if they never get exhausted from stirring trouble. For any reasonable person, life is so much easier when people get along. Its better for everyone physically and mentally. For me, I would get BF to drive those 3hrs and drop the daughter's stuff and that would be it. No more rescuing. We would stick to the court visitation schedule. If his daughter does not feel like visiting her father, don't push it. She's a teenager and worse she is under her BM's control. If you have a lawyer, document and inform all that's going on on ex's side so that if you feel you have to go to court, you have documentation. As we all agree, taking the high road which is so difficult especially when dealing with ignorant people, pays eventually. If BM won't agree to meet you guys half way to get the kids, try to go all the way was scheduled, moreso for your 9yr SS. He will see the effort that you and his dad are taking to stay in their lives and hopefully he won't get messed up by his BM. Stay strong together with your BF.