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Need Help Like Crazy...

AubreiJade's picture

So here goes...may be long so I apologize but I really have no one else and am going insane living like this...

Me and my husband have been together for a little over 3 years and share a 7 month old son together. He has an ex of which he shares twin children with. The complication is that they are no longer with either parent due to the age that both my H and the BM were at the time of the twins birth. The are with a distant relative of the BM but we visit the children often. This is being said because the BM is not in the picture at all in any part of sharing visitation with the children...

However she is a HUGE part of my H's family. It has gotten increasingly worse as time goes on and it is now gotten to the point of no return. BM is with my FIL and MIL on a daily basis, and constantly gets financial support from them. In return we have always helped my IL's with finances if needed, among other things. My major problem is this...she is always around. My IL's are a huge part of my H's life, and by association she has become a huge part of mine. And it is constant drama. She is involved in all sorts of activities that I will not allow my son to be around, nor it even be spoke of around my son. I even had to spend my first mother's day around her.

My issue is not having to be around her for the kids. I have never had an issue with that, and I love them as if they were my own. My problem is having to surround myself with her everyday. I feel like I am not even living my life, but hers and I feel as if I am intruding on her life insteading of it being the other way around. If I am not having to be surrounded by her, it is that I am hearing of her by my IL's. I have heard things even as much as them saying how much they will always love her and how everyone in the family has to take care of her, and how she would like to be back in my H's life. BM talks to my IL's about trying to win back my H and even goes so far as to ask about when we have fights, and my MIL warned me to never get into a fight with my H or the BM will be back in the picture. And this is just the tip of the iceburg. She has spread rumors throughout the family trying to break me and my H up, and when speaking to me about my son, BM asked if she would be called the stepmom. I have spoke to my H about this but he thinks I am overreacting.

I just feel really lost at this point. I want the best for my son, and being anywhere involved with her like this is not good in any aspect. I want him to have a relationship with his grandparents, and I would like to enjoy my marriage, but at this point I see no resolve...

Help?? Any advice??


WowjustWow's picture

Well she is WAY overstepping her boundaries on this one. Why doesn't she just take care of her own children? Obviously she feels the need to be called "stepmom" to your child, so maybe she should go be a real mother to her own.

I would tell your husband it's her or me. BM should not be allowed to parade around in your life and your marriage. Honestly, i don't know how you have survived to this point, because I would have blown up at all of them.

If it were me, I would issue the ultimatum. Some might disagree with me, but there is no way in hell I would stick around for that bullshit. Your in-laws obviously have no respect for your marriage, and honestly, if your husband lets all this happen, he doesn't either.

Amazed's picture

Good grief girl!! I would have killed her and hidden her body a LONG TIME AGO! }:)

It sounds like a serious intervention is in order ASAP. Family meeting, heart to heart, whatever you want to call it but this mess must stop. Your DH needs to support you in this because in my opinion, you ARE NOT overreacting. Maybe seek help from a third party just to get DH to see that the way you feel is perfectly justified. This BM needs to go away and you guys need to stop helping the in laws with money...why help them??? Just so they can give it to BM????

The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children. ~Edward, Duke of Windsor, Look, 5 March 1957

Hanny's picture

I think you need to seek some counseling so your DH can hear from someone else this is a problem and not acceptable. I'm assuming that he thinks this is all okay. I don't know how long you were married before you had your son, but if it was any time at all I would have probably gotten out of this asap before children. I'm sure you must have known how all this was being played out before you married, did this all come about after you got married, were things different up front or has she always been a part of your lives?

AubreiJade's picture

Thank you for all of your comments. I am hoping to talk to DH tonight to see if I can get us into some counseling. As a response to Hanny, she was a part of his life, but never to this extent. It was more I saw her at the kids birthday party or had to see her every once in a while when we went to visit his kids. I accepted that she was going to be somewhat in my life and I decided to be with someone who had children from a previous relationship and I took that. But ever since she had her third kid, she has been hanging around his parents constantly and bringing all of her drama with. I now see her everytime we go to see his parents, which is often since he is close to them. I am just crossing my fingers hoping that DH will understand and take to the counseling idea...