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OT a bit: Kids - So hard to understand

Aunt Agatha's picture

So after the great driving permit drama fest a few weeks ago (please see past posts if interested) and my SO telling his daughter she was being selfish for her demands and wrong for cursing him out, they haven’t spoken or done their usual texting.

Last night just before 10, she sends him a FaceTime request.  We are ready for bed, and he texts that he’ll call her tomorrow.  Then come about 5 more I’m a row.  So he figures it must be an emergency and answers it.  What is this emergency that caused so many texts late at night?

She has her first girlfriend. Now she had already told him a couple years ago she was bisexual and he told her then he doesn’t care as long as whoever she is with treats her well and with respect. He repeats the same things last night.  

She knows we are 100% LGBTQ supportive.  We love good people regardless of their identity or status.

So yeah we get she apparently was excited., although I didn’t catch if she was just starting to go out with her, or why after not talking to her dad in weeks, this is what she surfaces with. 

It was just so bizarre that she felt this was so urgent. It was late at night (for us - we are old and regularly in bed by 10) so what was so freaking urgent that it couldn’t wait until today?

I just do not understand kids.


beebeel's picture

Sounds like an attention grab to me. I certainly never shared my dating life with my dad as a teenager. 

Siemprematahari's picture

I'll never understand it either. Let see if there ever is an emergency if she'll think to contact him.

Aunt Agatha's picture

When she had a pregnancy scare at 15, her dad was the last to find out.  Crazy pants BM - who of course freaked out on her then - got told before dear old dad.  So that wasn’t nearly as important as her first girlfriend. 

I also never told my parents anything about my dating life as a teen either.  I’m happy they are communicating, but that topic shared with her dad is just weird for me.

shamds's picture

12.30am when our 2 infants/toddlers were in bed, ss20 calls hubby with a non emergent emergency.

his laptop that he knew had broken 4 days prior and repair shop said would take a month to repair, ss thought it was ok to call daddy after midnight and tell hubby that he was taking my fancy touchscreen laptop for the whole month. Didn’t ask for permission but told hubby he would take it. 

This was a week before we would holiday in my country for 3 weeks. Hubby told him i have to ask your stepmum its hers. Hubby gave ss 2 choices of my laptops to pick. I told hubby know he is not getting the touchscreen ever so he can borrow my heavy effin laptop and thats it. If it gets damaged hubby can buy me a new one.

never again was ss ever demanding to borrow my things and hubby should have told him he had no shame demanding my things since he always tells hubby i’m a stranger. You don’t borrow things from strangers

Aunt Agatha's picture

That would never fly with me.  My Skids never assume they can have anything of mine.  You are very generous to allow him use of even your old laptop!

bananaseedo's picture

No telling why these 'women/child' get off telling dads personal stuff like this.  My sd's issue is periods-she is HORRIFCLY innaprorpriate in her drama/tales of woe regarding her periods to her dad-pretty much every month. He asks her not to, she still will.  I have told him 'you're daughter is a sick freak'- and he didn't disagree.  I have NO idea why she does this.