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Last name

AustMum's picture

So FDH have been discussing my future last name... As we are planning our wedding... I really want to take on his BUT I do NOT want to have to share my future last name with his ex wife - who says she's never changing it. I have to share too much shit with her already and I don't think that she should be allowed to keep it. If I was her and was divorced I couldn't wait to get rid of my exs name!

So FDH said that he would be annoyed if I didn't take his last name and so I suggested hyphening it but he says that he doesnt want our future children to have hyphenated names so then I wouldn't share anything with my future kids....

My questions is... Should I just get over it and take his last name??
I just loath the thought of sharing it with her :?


BettyRay's picture

I didn't take my DH's last name. DH is cool with it.

I think taking your husband-to-be's last name is a very personal decision. You need to think about want YOU want, not what he wants.

The BM in my life went back to her maiden name. BUT she still uses DH's last name for school stuff and her personal e-mail account. Which I find annoying.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that even if legally your BM used her maiden name she probably would still use your fiance's last name when it suits her. After all it was her name first :sick:

Another option would be to take your maiden name as your middle name when you get married and then pass your maiden name as a middle name for your children. Ex. Jane Smith, married name: Jane Smith Jones; child's name: David James Smith Jones.

here's a link for more options:

Good Luck and Congrats!
