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O/T: Dr. Phil last night.....

B's picture

Did anyone watch Dr. Phil last night??

I don't usually watch his show, and just had the tv on for background noise. Holy moly, I swear that woman has to be the BM to someone here. :jawdrop: Craziness. She has a 7 year old son from her first marriage that she has no relationship with or custody of, swears she sends him letters, gifts and cards that are always returned. EXH sent a statement in to the show that she doesn't send anything and never calls, and that he distrusts her so much that he has password protected their sons social security number to ensure that she can't steal his identity!

Other stuff that she had done to current hubby and her siblings was horrible, but the most heinous was telling her brother that their father was dead.... How do people even come up with this stuff?!


WTF...REALLY's picture

Would of been fun to watch. Dr.Phil must of handler her very well. Would of love to see what he said to her.