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Coming to the realization

BaaBaaBlackSheep's picture

I have come to the realization that I don't like my future SD. I love the relationship I share with my fiancé but as a family it just doesn't come together. Now I am asking myself will this ever work because it's nothing you can tell him about FSD it's always an excuse for her behavior. I'm damn sick of it because I know FSD plays on his intelligence to the point of manipulating any situation to get what she wants or her way. I see right through her & she knows it but what can I do differently to make him see it. I just know she laughs at me at how she know my fiancé is going to take her side. What am I to do really is this ever going to get better or should I flee? By the way we tried family counseling & the counselor was more in agreieance about how things needs to change etc... My fiancé didn't like the feedback & we stop going talk about stubborn.


BaaBaaBlackSheep's picture

I know manymoments I tried to look at it as a part of her growing up because of course she wasn't like this when she was younger. Me & my fiancé been together for 6 years & engaged almost 3 years now.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Can you deal with 8 in home stress? Dose she see her mom? Do you and the mom get along?

lily11's picture

I agree with the above comments. This won't get better, not based on my experience. In fact, after you're married it will get worse. And then when the teenage years come it could keep getting even worse. If I could do it over again, I would never even CONSIDER dating somebody with kids. And I agree that the counseling experience wasn't a good sign either. You and your fiancée should be partners and both be willing to communicate and compromise.

BaaBaaBlackSheep's picture

Thanks everyone for the comments. I know that's the main reason reason I haven't made a move to marry yet. I have to feel comfortable & happy with it all. I know every day is not going to be perfect but we should have more good days than bad. Manymoments that's what I learned to do back off & let FDH handle her. I guess a choice has to be made. Maybe if I really walk out the door & not let FDH pull me back in with the I'm going to change & actually see some changes then just maybe it can be worked out. They have to see what's life without me being around to handle everything then just maybe they both will learn to appreciate me.