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BM didn't call SS for his 6th birthday

bama step mom's picture

Yesterday was my SS 6th Birthday and his mom didn't even call him. She calls every tues, thurs, and sat. At the begining of this month we cut her phone time back to sat only, due to a very bad event that happened at Christmas. We never told her that we where cutting her time back so every tue and thur for the past three weeks she has still called and text messaged...except for last night!! And it was his birthday! No call tonight either. I suppose she will call tomorrow night and use the excuse "Well your dad won't let me talk to you on tue and thurs anymore, so I didn't think he would let me talk to you." That's just a guess but it's not like she is going to tell him the truth.

He never mentioned her the entire day. This morning when we where waiting for the school bus he talked about her not calling him or sending him so much as a card for his birthday. I told him that there could have been a number of reasons she didn't call and he told me "she didn't call because she didn't want to." It broke my heart. According to the visitation papers she was suppose to get him the day of his birthday. According to the new arangements that we have been going by for the past 7 months (because we moved out of state) she was to get him the entire weekend before his birthday. She never even mentioned seeing him to my DH. She did tell SS back at Christmas that she was going to get him some of his birthday and then never mentioned it again.

How are you suppose to comfort a 6 yr old who has a mother that won't take the time to even call or send a card for his birthday. He is a tuff little guy so he has a tendancy of hiding his emotions. I know inside it has to be killing him.

So I guess we wait for the call and the excuse and see what he has to say to her. One time he caught her in a lie and he flat out told her on the phone that she was a liar. I am affriad of what he might say to her about this one, but you know she deserves every unkind thing he can think of.


TheSaneOne's picture

You know what - I would have rang the phone off the hool until someone answered. She knew you would answer and she wouldn't have reason to bitch - but might have to explain herself.

bama step mom's picture

Your exactly right. She could have called and not stop calling until she got a answer, but she didn't. I am already so agitated about tomorrow night when she calls. It's like I am a ticking time bomb. All it's going to take is her making a dumb excuse or putting it off on my DH and I will lose it. There is only two excuses I would except for making him feel so bad and not calling him....she would have to be dead or in jail.

TheSaneOne's picture

Just shake it off. Can't control the woman and eventually, she will fade into oblivion. My BB hasn't made contact but once in the past few weeks - hasn't actually spoken to him since June and seen him since then, He's 11 and he confronts her with her lack of desire to do right when she can (drugs, no job) I plan on telling her if she wants to see him, take us to court and lets modify this order THAT WONT happen, she refuses to pay child support DH never made her and up until I put my foot down was driving him two hours one way to see her cause she didn't have a car and wouldn't get a ride - hell no, she can't support him and I am not paying gas money for her to see him when she does nothing.