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...the mood continues...

Bec's picture

SD16 is showing no sign of snapping out of this awful mood which has gone over two weeks now. Her father is saying she has reverted back to how she was when living at her mothers. He thought having her here with us was solving the problem. Obviously not. Nothing in life seems to give her any pleasure or if it does it is short lived. Her father and I feel we are constantly walking around on eggshells. Apparently she has been like this ever since she began secondary school (and she is in her final year now). Before that she was a happy, laid back and fun child with a lot of friends.
Please help, I really don't think I am cut out to cope with this... the thought of her coming home everyday makes my stomach churn, my eyes are red raw from crying. I feel aggrieved to have given up my home, friends, family, possible career to move to the other side of the world to be with my man and then end up having to put up with this grumpy bitch.
I have done everything I can to help her, to try to make her happy more than her own mother and father ever do. But I am giving up and seriously losing the willpower to continue... Hopefully the doctor will treat her for depression and she will improve but I can't help thinking maybe she is just growing up with a horrible personality. Her mother is miserable and intolerant of people so possibly that is what she is destined to be like?


apklemp's picture

I understand. My sister was exactly like this when i was growning up. She thought my Mom was to blame and went and lived with my dad and stepmother and that was three times worse. I asked her about it when we grew up (like in our 40s!!) and she said she was very very depressed and as a teen was misdirecting her moods towards her parents. Hormones, etc., contribute. I would suggest a good physical with the doctor and maybe a frank discussion on the possibility that she might be clinically depressed.

Good luck and keep your chin up. These are the infamous teen years we have all heard rumors about.

luvdagirl's picture

SD was having problems, we have had her in counseling for over a year now and it is helping- these kids have alot of emotional baggage to top the already hard years of becoming an adult- we have come to realize that all the sudden SDs life is more stable than ever so she has had time to start to think about all the stuff that has happened and try to figure out what is true and not - and since BM has NO ABILITY to cope in reality(npd...constant vicitm syndrome- she could run someone over park on top of them, then tell it like the person was trying to traumatize her)so SD has never learned the art of healthy coping and the bottling was getting really scary.
Thankfully she has really been working in therapy and her future is looking awesome at this rate.

think about it we(SMs) question our sanity and we don't have these people for our moms.

There is no reason where logic does not exist

doglover1's picture

At leasy you and her father are on the same page with this. I really hope that meds will help. Good luck!!!!!!