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Tell Me What You Think (Part 2)

Bella4's picture

Hi Everyone! I wrote in last April about my boyfriend's 27 y.o. daughter and her husband moving in with us "temporarily" after she graduated college and they relocated. Her dad wanted to help get them on their feet but left me out of the decision making process for the most part. Most of you advised me to move my money or move out entirely, so I wanted to give you all an update on our summer from Hell! Before they arrived in June, she assured her father they would both get "part-time summer" jobs. Well, she got a job nannying, and he sat in our basement playing video games the entire summer. Oh, did I mention him peeing on our toilet seats and not cleaning up after himself, shaving his beard in the bathroom and not bothering to clean up the hair, not doing his own dishes, or lifting a finger to help out around the house or yard while my boyfriend worked 60 hours a week and I worked full time and we paid all the bills?? I have never known such a lazy, ungrateful turd in my life! Not that my boyfriend's daughter was much better-she didn't run a vacuum or clean a bathroom and actually discouraged him from getting a part-time job! He claimed he needed to be "fresh" for college classes this Fall. Give me a break! They claim to be looking for a place of their own now. I have not been outwardly rude toward them, but have been passive-agressive enough to send the message that they are no longer welcome in our home, not that they ever were in my opinion. My bf now admits that allowing them to move in was a huge mistake & says he can now admit to himself what he knew deep down all along - that his SIL is a piece of @*it. We have actually grown closer through this process and I believe from here on out he will respect me when I share my opinions on major issues and also when I tell him my "gut" feelings about people and/or situations. The moral of this story is a good partner is a rare commodity and sometimes it takes some understanding and patience to work through things before either one of you just jumps ship. If you have something worth saving, don't let the kids, whether they're seven or twenty-seven, come between you! Fight for it!

Love & Light to All


tog redux's picture

Wait a minute - your BF's 27-year-old daughter and her husband are living in your basement, rent-free, and you feel you have a good partner?

Give us a shout when your BF actually makes them move out.

Bella4's picture

I totally see where you're coming from. My point was that we've come a long way from him telling me how it was going to be up until now. If they're not out voluntarily within the next couple of weeks, they will be shown the door.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Hopefully you'll be able to get these freeloading adults out of your home very soon. Have you considered having a sit down with them and informing them that as of _____ they'll be expected to pay X in rent, Y in utilities, and Z for groceries? Don't make it a token amount either, or you'll never be rid of them.

This is also the time to plant the seed with your H that never again will adult children be allowed to live in your home. Get on the same page now, while the irritation is REAL.

STaround's picture

Is moving out.   And no, paying rent is required, but not sufficient to stay on.   I am willing to accept DH teaching a 7 year old.    27 -- get him out NOW.  In some jurisdictions, it can be difficult to get rid of a leach (oops lodger)

tog redux's picture

For once, you and I agree. I wouldn't consider him a good partner unless he started collecting rent and set a firm, non-negotiable move-out date 30 days from now.

Harry's picture

He knows it turn out bad. There nothing he can say to make it right.  So he telling you he made a mistake.   Still does not makeingb his inviteing his DD into your home with out your input any better.  He still is wrong, you still have a problem with him. 

CLove's picture

Can fend for themselves!

Im glad you updated, for the "before" and "after" affects, but dang!

Do they eat your food too?

Im also glad that your DH knows he made a wrong decision, but these two cretins be needing to have some heart to hearts with you. That inlcude move out dates.

lieutenant_dad's picture

I'm glad your DH has accepted and agreea that his daughter and her BF are lazy leeches.

HOWEVER, a tale of caution:

My FIL KNOWS that my BIL is a lazy, un/underemployed leech on society. He KNOWS that bailing him out over and over again doesn't do any long-term good.

Yet, love for a child is a powerful thing. He pays for EVERYTHING for BIL, and he's 45! BIL and MIL even live together, and my FIL pays the mortgage on their house. And he and MIL have been divorces for 20 YEARS!

My mom's best friends? Their kids are in their late-30s to early-40s. The BFFs have been kid-free for a grand total of maybe a year. Their son has 2 preteens and has been living with them for 4-5 years now. So what did he do to repay them? Knocked up his on again/off again GF.

Point is, paying lip service doesn't mean things will change. You still need to put a timeline for change on this. Your DH can make the decision today to start charging them even a menial $100/mo in rent and then give it back to them when they move out. He could give them a deadline by when they need to get out. Heck, he could pay the deposit and first month's rent on a place.

BUT, if all he does is say that he knows his daughter is worthless and says he agrees with your intuition, then you're marriage isn't any better off. He says it because he feels bad and wants you to lick his wounds and make him feel better. If he TRULY believes this is a problem and TRULY sees you as his partner and equal, then he'll act to make you comfortable again. If he won't, then it isn't worth fighting for someone who won't do the same for you.

SMto2's picture

At the end of your April 4th blog post, you gave an update on July 1st and commented, "She has a full-time job starting in August and they have told us they plan to have their own place by September." This is August 26th--September is 5 days away. However, you stated above, "If they're not out voluntarily within the next couple of weeks, they will be shown the door," which sounds like they WILL still be there in September and have no plans to be out. It sounds to me like your BF is doing nothing but giving you lip service about how right you were. Until he takes steps to get them out, I don't see how his words mean anything or could have drawn you closer. Oh, and you mention above that the SD27 is still working as a nanny, which is what she was doing in your original post back in April. Did the full-time job starting in August you mentioned on July 1st not pan out?  

Cooooookies's picture he's admitted he knew this would be a mistake but did it anyway.  That's it.  That doesn't make him a good partner.  You've been going through h*ll for months and they MIGHT be kicked out in a few weeks if they don't voluntarily leave?!  So when they don't leave in a few weeks (which they won't) what is your bf going to do then?

Giving you the words you want to hear means nothing.  Doing the actions is what counts.  They are clearly using you guys and clearly will not voluntarily leave.  Why should they?  Who would leave free room and board??  Who would let two people walk all over you for months?!  Then the only thing he does is give you words of b.s.

You don't have a great partner.  You have someone who knows what to say to get you off his back about the situation he's done absolutely nothing about for over a year.  You have a manipulator.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I know the situation is different, especially with the husband not working... And the 27 year old mooching... But DH and I did live with my in-laws for a period (year and a half of miserableness...)  He had just gotten out of the military, was in school, etc.  Inititially the plan was 3 months MAX, just until we got tax returns back and could use that as a down payment, and I could find employment down here.  I found employment quickly, BUT His ex defaulted on a million things she took out in his name that we didn't know about, AND got her car repossesed that she also bought in his name.  All taken through the bank he was using, so they took to the tune of thousands from his account and since one of the things she took out and maxed was a military star card, the government claimed all the tax returns.  That totally shot our finances.  However we contributed to the home, bought groceries, cooked, cleaned, etc.  Kept the girls in the smallest room in the house, with our clothes, put pretty well everything else in storage, and slept on an air mattress in the living room.  I hated it.  MIL never wanted us to leave, when we moved out (both super excited) MIL was all "you're going to regret this, you should stay longer!" But that wasn't going to happen...

That being said though, because I think a lot of parents want to help their kids, I hope this was a wakeup call for your SO, it sounds like it was, so I would give him the chance to get them out.  He said he is, let it be known it has to happen, then wait and see if he follows through.  If things really have gotten so great, I think that he'll make sure they're out for the better of everyone. And you'll have your space back! (something I know is needed! That was the hardest part about living with the in-laws!)

Bella4's picture

Wow-I am floored by all of the negativity. I was under the impression that this was a place for stepparents to safely vent. Clearly many of you are jaded by bad past relationships. My post yesterday was meant to be a positive one. I wanted to encourage anyone who was being challenged by stepkids to hang in there if at all feasible. This is ONE aspect of our relationship and while challenging, I'm glad I hung in there. This was a huge learning curve in our relationship & we gained trust & respect for one another in that process. That being said, he is not a manipulator. If it makes any difference, seeing as how you all have your minds made up, he is helping me pay for MY daughter's college, to the tune of $500/month. Relationships are give and take. The problem with relationships and marriages now is that people give up at the first sign of hardship. Thank you to those that offered kind and common sense words & understood where I was coming from. I'll leave the rest of you to your misery. Peace Out.

CLove's picture

I think that we all might have missed your point for a reason - that reason being that we tend to get focused on "problem solving", what advice can I give modality.

I re-read your last part of the one giant paragraph, after reading that last large paragraph. For readers they are a little tougher on the eyes. I think separating your "difficulties" paragraphs from your"what Ive learned and how we have grown" paragraphs would make it stand out better, so your message of hope really comes out.

I didnt mean to come across as negative, hopefully you and your SO manage to communicate with your 2 live ins, and move them into a launch mode.

Good luck!