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wedding pics on myspace!

bellacita's picture

anyone who is friends w me on myspace, my wedding pictures are finally up! i didnt post very many but it will give u the general idea of my handsome hubby and the beautiful locale! and how happy we are of course! Wink if we arent yet friends, pm me and i'll give u my url. happy viewing everyone!!


Tara12's picture

Congratulations and send me the link I would love to see your pictures. I am looking forward to getting married sometime next year now with FH now that we have gotten through all the BM give me hope girl!

secondwife20's picture

Send me a link too!

bellacita's picture

i tried but it said u do not accept private messages???
if u want, just pm ur myspace and i will request u

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

secondwife20's picture

I fixed it. Lol

Try again! Let's see if it works this time.