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The saga continues...

Beth1125's picture

The saga continues. The DH still has not gotten the invitations ready for the graduation party. It’s killing me not to get them around but I’m standing my ground and not doing anymore for this party. DH “talked” to the SS about not inviting me to the top 10 dinner. So SS said thanks for getting my invitations. That’s it. That’s all I’ve gotten from SS. DH just says what am I supposed to do and it’s not my fault. So I’m refusing to do anything. There might not be a party if the invitations don’t go out soon. Not my problem!! 


justmakingthebest's picture

Actions have consequences and SS is old enough to start learning that lesson if he hasn't yet. When you are hurtful to people, those people don't go out of their way for you anymore. 

ndc's picture

Good for you. This is the perfect consequence. Now you just need to not even think about those invitations or the party.

ESMOD's picture

Did you find out for a fact that you could be invited to the dinner? or is he truly limited to seating?  Just curious because it would be a bit unfair to punish him over something out of his control.

I am guessing dad told him that you thought you weren't appreciated... so he said thank you... I think it's important to not have double top secret tests for people.  If you want him to invite you, or want to know why he didn't.... you should ask him directly and if you know for a fact that he is lying then you confront him with that fact.  Sending your DH to run interference here risks your message being garbled or watered down.

Beth1125's picture

Yes it’s a fact I could’ve gone to the dinner. My husband told me there was an empty seat. I’m pleasant to my SS just don’t engage like I’ve always done. I busy myself with other things that need to be done. 

ESMOD's picture

Your husband telling you there was an empty seat doesn't mean that the kid was allowed to invite you.  That seat could have been unfilled because another child's invitee didn't show up.. or another kid didn't use their compliment of invitations.  But that doesn't mean that the organization would allow your SS to go above a prescribed number of participants.  Shoot, it could even be the venue set up too many seats.

You need to clearly find out from an authority that in fact children were NOT limited in their invitations. An empty seat doesn't necessarily indicate THAt.

Beth1125's picture

The tables are round and up to 6 per table. It’s a bigger high school with the 10 top students. So yes there was a seat for me. No question about it. A close friend of mine was there with her son also. She told me before my husband did that I should’ve been there. Almost made me feel guilty that I wasn’t there. 

notasm3's picture

Next time your DH says “what am I supposed to do?” Just tell him to plan that party and take care of HIS children.