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I'm Petty

BettyRay's picture

So SS21 and I got into it.

We had finished dinner and SS21 asked DH if there was anything he could do to help.

Knowing DH would say SS21 didn't have to help, I jumped in told SS21 that he could vacuum the living and dining rooms.

SS21 barks at me, "No, that it's SS16's week to vacuum".

I shot back and told SS21 he didn't do it the week before which was his week.

DH jumps in and tells SS21 to shut up and a vacuum.

SS21 tells DH that he doesn't like BettyRay's tone.

I left the room.

I could hear DH bitch at SS21 to just shut up do the vacuuming. SS21 stomps off and then comes back and tells DH that he needs to talk to me about my tone. DH asked him about his tone.

SS21 tells DH he only talks to me like that because he doesn't like my tone when I'm talking to him.

I came back in the room and told both SS21 and DH: 

"It doesn't matter what tone of voice I use because I always get the say response back from SS21 which is NO, excuse, excuse, excuse, blah, blah, blah. In a nasty defensive tone of voice."

I went on to say: "the three of us are living together but the only person SS21 communicates with is DH, I am ignored. If SS21 expects me to treat him differently then he needs to treat me differently because right now he is using our home as his stop and flop, eating food that we help provide, making a mess of our home without cleaning it up - basically using us and treating me like crap."

DH responds with, "I can't stand the pettiness between you too."

I didn't speak with anyone the rest of the night.

213 days until SS21 graduates.



lieutenant_dad's picture

"Then tell your son to grow TF up and stop acting like a child. If he wants to be treated like an equal adult in this household, then he can start acting like one by paying his share and CLEANING his share. Having to give him a chore chart because he won't man up and contribute like an equal adult without having to be told what to do is what makes me treat him like he isn't one."

Survivingstephell's picture

Limit him to his room then.  If he is unwilling to participate in keeping the whole house clean, he can just stay out of those rooms.  If he refuses to keep the bathroom clean, he can use the hose outside and rent a porta john for him.  

I really dislike your SS.  

Cooooookies's picture

Facking tone.  That's the go-to, isn't it?  Really it's nothing about tone and everything to do with they just don't want to be responsible for anything.  Resent that there's an actual adult who holds them accountable and they can't blind you with b.s.  Plus a bio parent who doesn't like being reminded that they are a shyte parent and their kid is actually a douche bucket.

Tone that!!

tog redux's picture

I would punch DH in the nose for that comment (not really).  He should be on your side. The correct answer would be, "S21, she only gets that tone when YOU DON'T LISTEN, so quit flapping your gums and vacuum."

I would stay out all of this entirely, if I were you. Next time SS doesn't do what he's been asked to do, go to DH and have him take care of it.

StepMamaBear6's picture

I would have packed my bags and left to a hotel.  Read a good book and ordered room service.  Not kidding. 

Your husband is an a$$hole.

NarcissisticSkids's picture

Skid ate your dinner, then didn’t like your tone....hmmmm.....DH should have thrown his a$$ out the door- 

notasm3's picture

I'd tell that MFer to get the eff out of my home - like now.  What a sh*t your SS is.  If ANYONE treated me like that in my home I would go EXORCIST crazy on them.   I would not give a big EFF if the little ba$tard ever graduated from anything.

Now I did not yell or use profanity with my SS - in fact I never said a word to him.  But he is 100% banned from my life FOREVER.  And while SS's actions were egregious even that POS never had the nerve to complain about my "attitude".

Harry's picture

His own apartment, Cooking and not liking his own food,  and not clean his apartment.  I would not put up with this . If HD doesn’t like it, he can move in with his DS

Powerfamily's picture

Time for SS and DH to hear your tone.

I would be going on strike, the only person I would be shopping, cooking, washing and cleaning for is me.  

They don't like your pettiness they will learn what pettiness is.

SS things left in the common area's will be thrown in to his room.  DH rubbish thrown either his side of the bedroom or office if he has one.

See how long before they notice.



poconogirl9999's picture

My sds are so horrible, thet have threatened me and thanl od live in another state. I know this is horrible. However, TEY ARE NOT ALLOWED IN MY HOUSE.