Must be nice...
Must be nice to have a dinner and shopping date night every single weekend and to be able to post pictures of it on FB, all while collecting food stamps and sending your kid off to someone else for the night. Yeah, I'm bitter. Even with both of us working (well, I'm not as of a week and a half ago) I cannot remember the last time we did anything together. I wouldn't find it so annoying if they didn't get state aid and if she would stop bitching about not having room for another baby. Every couple deserves alone time. It just pisses me off that with their circumstances, they do this every week and we don't do it....EVER. I may be a little green eyed right now. But seriously, you get food stamps and live with FIL and can afford to go out once a week? WTF? Stop bitching about how depressed you are with your living situation then! If you're going to blow money every fucking weekend having fun instead of saving for a place, then you deserve what you get.
a lot cheaper at home is
a lot cheaper at home is right! I would be thrilled to get a sitter for just a few hours and be able to watch a movie in peace and make dinner at home where we both get to sit down and have a conversation!
she is always whining about how much she wants another baby, yet she has been sending her 16 month old away for a night or 2 to her mom or SIL or whoever every couple of weeks since he was born. you either want to be a mom or you don't. nothing wrong with a night off. but seriously. they do this all the damn time. that isn't going to be so easy to do with a toddler and a baby, either. they didn't have money to buy anyone Christmas gifts, but they go out to dinner and have drinks about once a week. her current picture is of the 2 of them having drinks waiting on their food. she is always posting about how the kid is with whoever because mommy and daddy need a break and alone time and to have some fun. grow the fuck up. when you decide to deliberately have a child, your alone time and fun goes on the back burner. once in a while, fine. but once a week they do this? that's bullshit! as much as I would LOVE a break right now, I don't want either of my sons gone overnight. a few hours, the whole afternoon, hell yes! but overnight or all weekend? no.
I hate stupid people....
I hate stupid people....
sd likes to say how she and
sd likes to say how she and dh "need to have fun" and her sil is always telling her that she deserves a break. fuck that. she had that kid on purpose. if you want fun and a break, get a damn job and pay for it yourself. her dh does work, but they get food stamps, so I would say that indicates that she needs to be working, too. I have an autistic almost 6 year old who drives me past my limits EVERY DAY. she has no idea what needing a break is. being bored is not needing a break. fucking lazy asshole.