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*VENT* I'm very close to losing my shit. I cannot stand my SO and his kid.

billiexjeen's picture

I have a 71/2 month old baby boy, his dad has a 9 y/o son from his previous relationship. It started off well enough, till we started living together and I started making observations.

My SS is the biggest spoiled brat I've ever met in my whole life and I honestly think I hate him and his dad. Will be ending this relationship very soon.

This kid gets away with everything. He acts up in school, throws tantrums in school if he doesn't get what he wants. Just last Friday, the teacher had to restrain him from throwing a desk and he hit the teacher because he grabbed his arm too hard. ZERO disciplinary action was done when his dad read the note... He just got told not to hit a teacher... What the fucking fuck??!!?? Then a mere 2 hours later get showered with new winter boots a two pairs of gloves, bubble gum and chips.

I wanted to get my son a jolly jumper, but we couldn't afford it because SS needed a 50 dollar pair of boots instead of the 30 dollar ones because they had a FUCKING POCKET. And really two pairs of Hot paws gloves??! "In case they get wet he has an extra pair."

This kid has an ipod, (Oh he's getting a new one for Christmas)laptop, 3D's and a xbox.

Dad spoils the fuck out of him and wont give him any chores so he'll want to come and visit more.He makes his bed, turns on the shower, picks out his clothes down to the underwear, Flosses his teeth. LIKE HOLY FUCK, DO YOU HOLD HIS DICK WHEN HE PISSES TOO?

And here's the little one, constantly left out, only to be showered with formula... This Christmas, Das didn't want to get MY son anything because he's too young and won't remember. Um, I will?? Thanks for pointing out that your son is more important than mine.

I still don't feel better...

I am seriously not cut out to be a step mom.


learningallthetime's picture

Hey, you may want to take the names out of this post.

It is very hard in this situation. When I was with ex, my son was the youngest - of 5, and I was the 3rd mom (yeah I made a great choice in procreation!). Honestly, I was constantly frustrated but wanted to keep the family together. I am so much happier alone (18 months later now, and BS is 7). I wish I had left much earlier. He is showing you his priorities. Why does he feel the need to spoil his son? Guilt? Proving he is better than mom? Why does he think his sons behavior is ok? Or is he just afraid to punish?

His thoughts regarding remembering presents are accurate, your son will not remember. But is this is true reasoning or is he just being a guilty dad? You and the dad need to have a long conversation...