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My fur baby is better!!!

Biomomof2's picture

Longest week of my life thing my German shepherd slipped her hip and when I went to the vet Friday I would be talking about hip dysphasia and how long she had.
Nope. She has X-rays scheduled for Wednesday to confirm. Is on pains meds which brought her back to the happy girl I know. Vet is 95% positive it is panosteitis. Which is very painful growing pains in large dogs. Can last until they are 2 1/2 but nothing serious. It shows on X-rays which is why the X-rays.
So happy!!!!


AlreadyGone's picture

Pano can be very painful. Just try to limit any hard exercise for now. Radiographs done before the age of 2 is not beneficial in HD dx. I can see it being done for injury dx though. Glad to hear that she is feeling better. Maybe you can relax a bit after all of this worry. Wink

Biomomof2's picture

Just wondering why you said X-ray DX aren't beneficial until 2 yrs of age. I've done my own research on it and the bones show almost a spiral inside on the long bone. That is the best way to make sure it is pano. Plus we are also going to have her hips looked at and manipulated while under sedation to rule out that.
If my information is wrong, I'd love to know more facts. I've talked with 2 family vet techs and my vet and all agree this is the best course to go. I would love an outside opinion.

AlreadyGone's picture

I believe what I posted was this.... "Radiographs done before the age of 2 is not beneficial in HD dx. I can see it being done for injury dx though."

We're not talking about HD here. We are talking about Pano. Make more sense now? Smile

Biomomof2's picture

Thank you!!!! I was so happy!! I recorded her playing yesterday and up on her back legs after the pain meds kicked in and sent it to DH and posted it to Facebook!!! I wanted to cry when I saw her dancing around!!!!!
How do you make sure they don't grow like crazy?? Lol she is a pig but I feed her 6 cups a day. Her size and age the right amount of food is 4-8 cups so I picked a middle number. Yesterday after the meds she ate 7 cups and I wasn't stopping her!!! I had to hand feed her the night before so I was just happy she was eatting!!!!

Biomomof2's picture

We started on large breed puppy food but as German Shepherds are know for she ended up with stomach issues. So after days of research I get her Canidae Lamb and rice. It is for large breed and easy on her stomach. About once a month she stops eating and we go to chicken rice and yogurt than slowly mix dog food back in. It takes about a week to get her back on dog food. GS has such troublesome stomachs. We are giving her peptid AC right now (approved by the vet) it is just one of the common issues with them. Dry food is actually horrible for them but have to be careful with everything else. Funny thing, one of the treatments for pano is caloric reduction but we can't do that with her breed because they are naturally thin and when they aren't they are over height. She always worries me because she looks underweight but even yesterday vet said she is perfect weight just not an ounce of fat on her, very muscled.
I swear, she is like a two year old with all the finicky stuff!!!

queenofthedamned's picture

My lab too. He's taught our bulldogge his bad habits. Right now they are both dealing with a case of garbage gut lol!

Biomomof2's picture

She is even picky about what treats she will eat!!!! But I can get her to do anything for hotdog slices!!!!! Lol
She waited 6 months to chew her gaint bone she got for Christmas. When she decided she liked it the bone it lasted 3 nights!!! She loves stuffed animals. That really is her only vice. She will steal the kids stuffed animals and sleep with them.

queenofthedamned's picture

Start her on a glucosamine supplement now. Large breed dogs benefit sooooo much from them especially when started young. My boss - a highly respected vet - starts all his puppies on them.
So glad it wasn't hip dysplasia!

Biomomof2's picture

Duh!!! I forgot all about them this time around!!! Have to get dog food today, I will pick some up.

noidea1010's picture

What kind of treats (glucosamine) do you guys use? I have a lab/dane who's going to be 5 this year! Where did my baby go? Anyways, since both breads are supposed to get hip dysplasia, I've been looking into different kinds

Glad to hear your furbaby is better! Makes me so worried and sad when my baby doesn't feel good!