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Here is us but I need help....

blendedwith9's picture

We are the yours, mine and ours family. I have 2 biodaughters with my ex husband(bg1,bg2) my husband has 4 children with his ex wife (sd1,sd2,sd3 &ss1) then we have 1 daughter together. I am at a loss lately and have no other stepmoms to ask for advice. So here goes my vent, now please keep in mind I do love my step kids very much. My sd1 is 11, she is daddys lil girl and can do not wrong to him, she is clearly very angry about the divorce still and proves it by acting out. She terrorizes her sibliings to the point of them gettin into trouble them claims inccocents to daddy. I clearly see this little girl is ANGRY and depressed, she tells me constantly she want to kill some sort of animal cause its fun, she seculdes herself from everyone, tells everyone that she hates them and thier annoying, refuses to go to social events or any sort and if forced to she cries and freaks out till daddy gives in, plus at 11 she is getting d's in school. sd2 is 9 and she is very girly, she follows me around and does everything she possibly can with me then turns around and lies to her mom about me (typical). sd3 is 4, she is not your typical 4yr old, she is going to need speach classes because she was never forced to talk (her sibliings would do whatever for a grunt) and she throws massive fits plus what scares me the most is she has no common sense or fear. She jumped off the top bunk on to hardwood floor and laughed when she landed on her butt. now here is the one that scares me the most, I actually refuse to watch or be alone with SS1 because he lies so bad. He walked in on my birthday and saw my cake, asked his dad whos cake it was, his dad told him and SS1 walked away. Then turned around not 30 seconds later and said to dad "You said I could have that cake, now give it to me" but this is not the worse lie, he use to tell his mom that I told him things and then she would call and freak out. He has figured out that mom believes anything that comes out of his mouth and dad does nothing about the lies. So I do not watch him, I fear he will get some sort of bruise and say I did it, then mom will call the cops and I get to go to jail. I am a very laid back person, I raise my bio daughters in a way that I hope they wil be amazing adults. We go to church, respect others and use our manners. My sk's are not raised this way, they compete over everything and if they loose they beat each other up. They know all about sex and adult matters. I actually have to hid my BD's toys on visitation weekend so that SS1 does nto break them. He comes over and breaks all the toys but his own then does not let anyone play with his. During all this my husband does nothing. now here i am lost. I need help. During spring break I was forced to have all 7 children by myself, dad was working and I had asked SK's mom if she wanted to cancel the week long visit since he was working and she wasnt,I truly feel that if one parent is nto able to have the children then the other parent should have them if they are not, the Sk's mom said it was my responsiblity to take them since I was his wife. So I ended up with all 7 and a vehicle that hauls 6 passengers. I embraced it, set my rules, made chores and set boundries. All 7 children excelled. all the above behavior stopped. Then they left and went home. Came back a week later for a weekend and IT WAS GONE! all the progress GONE! It was actually worse I think...They actually beat each other, kicking in the head and punching no matter what I did, I seperated them and did everything i could. No one listened. I actually cried that day from being so frustrated. Thier moms buys them whatever they want...REAL blow dart guns with real blow darts and sends it to our house. I get to be the bad guy because both parents want to be the disneyland parent and give them anything they want. I am stuck in the middle. How do i get out? I have tried to tell my husband that i no longer want to be forced to watch the SK's that their behavior is too much for me. Its not healthy. I always end up feeling like I am so horrible for saying that. I am so lost as to what my responibilties are as a step mom. maybe I just need to talk with you guys. what woudl you do with these sk's? I know they all need counseling, but neither parent will take them.


mom in need's picture

Sometimes there is nothing you can do but vent. I have step children as well. They will either divide you or bring you together. It is all based on their Mom. Every time, you go on vacation, by a toy, do something these children will feel entitled. If the bio mom is not financially well off then your life will be miserable. So the best suggestion is to go to a counselor and use them for coping tools. I fear it will get much worse before it gets better.

Sadly nothing you do will change those children's minds they are who they because they are a product of their environment

Rags's picture

Wow, I hope the numbers behind the SS/SD are birth order and not age. 6 babys would be a challenge if they were all bios. The thought of 6 age 3 and under is beyond comprehension. Wink

I read the rest of the post and get it now.

As for how to deal with your Skid's behavior ... belt. Blister some bare kid ass with a belt then put them in separate corners to sit until you send them home to BM at the end of visitation.

Corporal punishment is legal in all 50 states so don't take it off of the disciplinary table.

Even better, blister some bare kid butt with a belt then sit them at separate very uncomfortable wooden desks (available at any flea market) to write 1000X+ "I will do what I am told when I am told to do it and I will never strike my brothers or sisters".

Tailor the sentence to the infraction.

One messy sentence, restarts the count. They write a minimum of 120-150 sentences per hour. One missed hour quota of sentences restarts the count.

This applies to all kids in the home but since it is the Skids with the problem it will usually be them that bears the brunt of the discipline. When your kids need discipline, the same system should apply.

For the younger ones who can't write, find an alternative to sentences that is age appropriate.

If you are unwilling to do any of this, then take your BKs (all three of them) and go to a hotel for every visitation weekend and tell DH to deal with his spawn.

All IMHO of course.

Welcome by the way. I hope you find this to be a good place to vent, contribute and pick up some useful advice from others who are living the blended family dream.

Good luck.