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step brother bullying step sister - help

blender4506's picture

So here we are. 2 years of being together, finally moved into our own home. 4 wonderful children. 2 each from previous marriages. 3 girls and 1 boy. The 2 youngest are 5 yrs my bio daughter, 4 yrs his bio son.
We come from very different diciplinary backgrounds. All 3 girls are well behaved for the most part. The 4 yr old boy is not. We have ongoing issues with him from eating dinner, throwing things, not listening to time for bed. All of this was 4 years with no dicipline and will take time and consistency to correct.
The problem that needs to be corrected immediately however is that he is bullying his 5 yr old step sister. It starts from the time he wakes up or arrives at the house until its time for bed. He will follow her around, snatch toys from her, tell her she is stupid, hit her, pinch her, get in her face, call her down verbally as in, you are a loser, I hate you, you are stupid. We have tried punishing him with timeouts, scolding, seperation from each other etc. I have talked to her telling her to ignore it, leave the situation and go elsewhere, not to let it bother her. It has to be exhausting to be beat down non stop from the time she gets home until she goes to bed. He will purposely move his dinner plate to sit next to her so that he can slide over to her chair and be in her face during dinner (I now just move her immediately).
My husband says he can't lock him in his room 100% of the time and be constantly punishing him. On the other side of the fence, I can't have the 5 yr old be bullied non-stop either. The child is mean and angry.
At his mothers he is pretty much given whatever he wants, whenever he wants it and allowed to do whatever he pleases pretty much all the time. We can't control what goes on over there, but we have to fix what is going on in our home. We have him 4 days a week. He tends to try to bully the other 2 girls (one is another step sister and one is his bio sister) but they are 10 yrs old and it doesn't work.


blender4506's picture

I did go that route a week or so back. I was out of ideas. I told her next time he hits you, you turn around and hit him back as hard as you can and he will stop. She is a good 6" taller than him but he is so rough and does everything as hard as he can be it yell or hit or punch. She looked at me with astonishment and said, no mom, hitting is wrong. I can't hit him back. She is learning to ignore him and has a much tougher skin than I do - that is for sure.

Part of the outcome of this is it is getting more difficult for me to like my step son watching him bully my daughter like this. Its hard on my husband too, he is tired of punishing the boy every 5 mins and so we have had a few not so happy evenings after a night of him punishing the son non stop.

I do think if she turned around and hit him full out once he would stop. Hard to say. Yesterday he came back from the daycare written up for punching out another boy.

It certainly doesn't make blending easy sometimes.

Sus's picture

I would take the 4 year old to counseling right now, before he gets older and things get worse.( if you can afford it ) He needs to learn to behave and not harm, or bully other children. And not just your child, all children.
Hitting a child, or kids hitting each other, only makes it worse.
Hitting is VIOLENCE, he needs to learn there are other ways to handle anger and frustrations,and HITTING is NOT the answer.
Counseling will help him and you and the family, and the younger he is when he receives it the better !

misguided's picture

Sounds like the child has anger issues. If this is not corrected it will only get worse and more dangerous. I agree, you have the repsonibility to protect your daughter and sorry but too bad if DH doesn't like discplining his kid. What is the alternative, let your child become a victim with that mentality. I would get the kid in conseling because it sounds like he has serious control issues. Good luck hon. I know it sucks being in this poistion. My bd5 was hitting my ss8 for annoying her, sometimes even just for looking at her. I finally told him to hit her back and that stopped it. She learned that there are consequences and she didn't like them.

blender4506's picture

I have suggested councelling. This goes far before us trying to blend as a new family. He does appear to have anger issues and it worries me what it will be like at 14 when I hate you turns out to be F you and he can physically harm us.

My husband is in councelling and has gotten a few books from her to 'help' us with the situation. I have been asking that my stepson goes to see someone too, he feels he is too young. The hard part being we need his mothers blessing to do anything major and she does what she can to undermind anything we suggest so we don't even ask.

I will continue gently asking that he has the son see someone - its just so hard to imagine a 4 yr old can be so angry, aggressive and mean spirited. It makes me sad when I am not feeling defensive of my daughter.

buttercookie's picture

I have 4 brothers two are step. I was the only girl. J my older step brother did this to me. I was shoved several times once ending up getting stitches by my eye. I can tell you that my mother gave us assigned seating at the dinner and J wasn't seated near me. One thing that back fired for them for a little bit was treating me better than him ( I think they were trying to show him they were rewarding good behavior vs bad). One it turned me into a brat for a while and it made him worse. Ultimately they enlisted my older real brother to help look after me and after J had his butt kicked a few times by N things got better. I'm older now and I know why John did what he did. He was hurting. He thought I was taking attention away from him. We ended up being closer a few years later. This is a touchy area. You want one kid to stop so the other doesn't have to live like this, but you don't want to turn the other into a brat. How long have you all been together? I was around 5 when this happened and it only lasted about a year or so. My parents also had to do other things to keep us apart when they couldn't watch us closely. J was in one room playing while I was in another helping my mom with dishes or I was playing and he was with her.

blender4506's picture

We have been blending without living together for about a year now. We officially moved in together full time about 6 weeks ago.

Totalybogus's picture

Buttercookie is right. This boy is jealous. He is just a little boy and can't understand that he has to share his dad now. I don't think he needs counseling as much as he needs good old fashioned parenting. You and his dad should sit him down and ask him why he keeps bullying his sister. Listen him. He probably has a lot to say.

blender4506's picture

I agree I think there is some jealousy. Even prior to us bringing the children together, he was and continues to be in constant trouble at his daycare for agressive acts against other kids. Biting, hitting, snatching toys etc. Even with one on one attention he is destructive. We ask him why he calls her this or that and why he hit her etc, he just turns his head and ignores us. When you try to talk to him he does all he can to avoid looking at you by either turning his head or trying to 'get away'. Sitting him down to talk to him is almost impossible.
He starts real school next year - I think he will be in for a real change. I am hoping that will help things and at the worst case it will at least expose issues if he has them so we can help him. Something has to give.

stepmom2one's picture

BM did this with SD and it worked so well.

She took everything from SD except her bed. She was given chores to do daily without allowance, and given 1 toy back per wk if she did well. If she was naughty or did not complete her chores without complaining she got 1 toy taken back and no new toys that week.

It took over 4 months to get her things back. But we have had very few problems since then.

Try it, it will be hard at first but believe me it works.

KatherineLawson's picture

Obviously the kid is being rebellious. As I have read in an essay about step-parenting, incidents like these must be dealt with depending on how parents raise their children. But since the kid also stays with his BM who spoils him rotten, maybe it is time to talk it over with the mother and settle once and for all how you both are going to raise him. This will take time though and you may experience resistance from the BM but it should be a team work, raising the kids, that is if you are to live harmoniously and continue living the normal life but have time for other things like personal development and essay writing.

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