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San Diego County Stepmom / 2nd Wives Meetup

Blu's picture

Since I am new to the 2nd wives club, and Stepmom world, I started a meetup for San Diego county. I would love to meet you and chat if you live in the area!

I am 30 years old, it's my second marriage. I was married for 5 years and have no kids of my own. I married a 35 year old DH who was married 10 years to his wife and they have two daughters between them (7yrs and 10yrs). The girlies live in SF with their BM and boyfriend. My husband is a touring sound engineer, so I am a single wife most of the year, and we try to get the girls when he is home, so I turn single wife to family life. I am new at navigating this (married 10-10-10). Smile

Let me know if you are interesting in meeting in real life to laugh, cry, and talk... haha
