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Stepson Is Unbearable.

BlueOrandas's picture

So SS4 is a nightmare to deal with. He pisses his bed almost twice a week because he didn't want to get out of bed, takes an hour to eat and just sits chewing food into liquid, has purposely crapped his pants because his sister was peeing in the bathroom and he didn't want to wait, breaks everyone's stuff and hides it, lies about EVERYTHING. I can watch him do something and he says he didn't.


He had blood from somewhere and smeared it on my couch. I am a germaphobe, and that kind of crap is my #1 pet peeve. He also dumped half a bottle of water on the same couch on purpose because he didn't want it any more. He smeared shit on the wall and sink in my bathroom, and then toothpaste a different day. 


He whines like it's necessary for him to live. I swear. His dad will say something, like hey, you guys have to take a bath later. He throws himself on the ground, does a high pitch, drawn out whine, and starts crying. Like bawling. For everything. I can't stand it. His mom never tells him no, dad wasn't allowed to punish either kid, he gets away with the whining, peeing, pooping himself, drawing on walls etc cause BM is a lazy dismissive parent. She'd rather be a friend than a mom. 


He had a melt down because he had a literal drop of water on the bottom of his pants after washing his hands before going to bed, and he threw himself on the ground and screamed for 20 min. FH was the one dealing with it, and he was at a loss after trying to talk to him, calm him, pick him up and he just melted back on to the floor...he does this frequently about small things. Like he got a small scrape on his knuckle from my cement wall, and he proceeded to freak the f**k out. It barely broke the skin. No blood, no red mark, but he was full on SCREAM CRYING and throwing himself on the ground, kicking, knocking shit off his bed etc. And I was alone with him. Told him to go to sleep and stop. He had a melt down for a good 20 min because of it. I was in years when FH got home because he was so difficult that day.


This boy has no regard for other. He hits my son and his sister, swings at kids when he was in preschool, sat on maternal grandma's dog, and beat on his head and face with his bare hands till the dog was bleeding. I am horrified at this. Mom shrugs it off, and dad asks why. 


'Cause I didn't like the dog' is all he would say. I told him not to TOUCH my animals. He got caught by mom pinching my dogs cheeks till she yelled and ran off. I freaked out on him, then FH. Picked up FH neices dog by the neck. He threw a shoe at FH friends dog cause he barked. I told him he is not to touch ANY animals when he is with us. FH got mad last night when we discussed it again and said he wouldn't be punishing him for that. I said I wanted nothing to do with any of them when it involved animals then. No zoo, no friend house, nothing.


I highly suspect he has autism, or something else, because he is not normal. My son never acted like that, my neice never did, friends kids... But FH and BM keep brushing it off. He needs to be tested, but BM keeps saying her Dr says to wait till mid kindergarten, cause EVERYONE tested before then will show positive for SOME mental disorder. Excuse me, what? This boy has something not right about him. Everyone is ignoring it. He needs help. 


This boy desperately needs help, we need to find out what's going on so FH can parent and correct him in ways that will actually work. 


ndc's picture

You don't have the authority to get him help.  What you can do is have your boyfriend and his kids move out, and put the parenting responsibility where it should be.  Once your boyfriend has to do the heavy lifting for his son, he might be more willing to seek help.

BlueOrandas's picture

His mom has all the info to his Drs and everything like that, and refuses to divulge any of that info to FH, and neither of us know where to start to get the boy tested, outside a Dr. FH has pushed the idea to the back of his mind, but I won't let up cause something is off with that kid. They can't just ignore it and hope it resolves resolves itself. I will have a discussion with him later tonight about it though, and if things don't rapidly start to change, I think I will have to kick them all out. I can't deal with things as they are. 

Mandy45's picture

What can you do? If his parents keep turning a blind eye to what is going on with this kid. I would give a ultimatum either do something to help this kid. Or your all out or he not welcome in your home and give it a time frame. It seems like the parents are all just blaming each other but no actually doing anything about it. As he gets older it is just going to get worse. If something is wrong with the kid it is the parents responsibility to seek the child help. Not just go oh well he might grow out of it. From what you explain it is not normal behaviour for a 4 year old. It will not get any better by people just making excuses for all this bad behavior. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Poop rolls downhill, and you have allowed yourself to be positioned at the very bottom where everyone dumps on you.

Stop buying your bf"s excuses for not parenting, and stop making excuses for him. If getting his son help was a priority, he'd have already taken BM to court to compel her to share their kids' medical records. Or, found a pediatrician, made an appointment, and started working the problem. Instead, he wants you to deal with his problems for him. That's a relationship killer right there.

Do you REALLY love this guy, or just love being in a relationship? What makes him so great? Is being with him worth damaging your health and your relationship with your own child??

We are here to listen, but your situation isn't going to improve until you change your own behavior. Draw some boundaries, save yourself, and stop prioritizing someone else's kids over your own.

sunshinex's picture

This is NOT a kid problem. 

4-year old's throw fits, wet the bed, and do stupid crap, especially if they're allowed to get away with it. They need guidance. They need support. They need to be TAUGHT what's right vs. what's wrong. This kid isn't crazy for hitting animals, he's curious about cause and effect. It's a natural developmental stage. My 2 year old will bop the dog on the head if he gets the chance, but we stop him RIGHT AWAY and explain why it's wrong. We bring him to another area if we need to. They need to be taught. It''s only been a month of having a dog and he's already catching on and starting to pet, hug, and kiss the dog more than bop his head lol. 


justmakingthebest's picture

My SS was diagnosed at 7 with ODD and Autism. He did a lot of the things you are talking about (although never hurting animals and he only hit his brothers and sister when they teased him). I was not with my DH when all of this was happening. He was 14 before DH and I got together. I will say that from what I was told with meds and therapy it got much worse before it got better. It is a long and hard path for the right meds and right balances.

For your sanity, I would ask them to move out until he has his son under control.