No more Mrs Nice Guy
I have recently resolved to stop being pleasant to BM having realised that after SEVEN YEARS BM still hates me as much as ever and is never going to give me a break. At the moment BM is on a permanent holiday in Denial convincing herself that SD does not really have serious emotional problems, so she won't have to accept any responsibility. I have identified a theme, BM is also in Denial when it comes to accepting any responsibility for her marriage ending. Funnily enough it seems that everything is my fault.
I had to collect SD14 from BM's house last week to take her to a hair appointment in the afternoon(SD has been off school pending application to another school). It wasn't booked on her access day, but BM keeps booking the next day off work at the last minute so she can keep SD for longer. DH said BM looked pissed off when she was informed of the next days hair appointment. I texted DH saying BM could take her if she wanted, no BM couldn't do that time, I offered to change the time, no she couldn't do a later time either. I began to suspect that BM just didn't want to pay for it.
When I arrived to collect SD I assumed my new Icy Demeanour at the doorstep. No making chit chat for me. After a few moments BM began to feel uncomfortable and launched into a faux apology for not being able to take SD to the hair appointment, which turned into a dig at my parenting of my own children! "Sorry I couldn't do the hairdressers, it's just VERY difficult for me with x (her 5 yr old) because I have to collect x from school (never mind that I could have made it after she'd collected x), I don't know how you manage (gestures to my 3 year old and 1 year old in the car), I wouldn't take MY child out of school for a hair appointment". Me, icily "BD is three, she's not AT school" (she goes to optional pre-school in the mornings only).
Best moment of the week was DH's retelling of the conversation in which his informed BM her CS would be reduced this month now we were supporting SD. DH pointed out to BM that her immediate reaction 'I can't manage on that' was very slightly undermined by the fact she had just spent several minutes talking about her imminent THIRD minibreak to foreign destination with BF. HA! HA! HA HA! Yes even DH finally managed to summon up some resentment!
- Bojangles's blog
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It's the best frame of mind
It's the best frame of mind to be with BM. They complain about money, complain about no life, state how great we have it, etc. All the while they do nothing but cause problems and go on vacations with BF.
It's best to keep to yourself and work in the background with DH.