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ipass issues

buttercookie's picture

We live in Il where we have Ipass devices that deduct tolls instead of having to pay at the pay booth. Husband finds out today that his license is up for suspension for non payment of tolls from 2006. Husbands name was on Oldest stepson's truck before he sold it so who gets the bill, yes us. Well the bill was close to 600 dollars for tolls totalling 2.80 since this has been so long with late fees and such. The bill was going to husbands old address he moved out of in 2003. I told him to tell the tollway that he's always been in compliance with his address updating per law and that its their fault he wasn't notified earlier because if they would have checked they always had the right address for him. He followed my advice and settled this for 23.00. I get home and first words out of husbands mouth is "yet another lesson about my kids" and you were right to insist on getting Stain's car out of your name even though I fought you at the time. Now he gets it. I just told him to keep the reciept that he paid incase it comes back up he can prove its stettled and paid and I told him to keep it as a reminder as to why we don't "cosign" for irresponsible people. I'm really not that mad about it, husband thought I was going to be furious but I'm not, I think alot of why I'm not is because husband has learned to not coddle his man children and this is 5 years old Oldest SS has grown up a lot since then also nothing either SS has is in our name so it can't happen again. Husband sent an angry message to his man child about being paid back ASAP and that he's upset about his lack of responsibility (husband thinks oldest ss knew about it, I do too) I didn't tell him to send the message but I don't blame him for chastising his man child because this could have resulted in my husband losing his job since he needs his license for work and even though SS has grown up SS didn't realize his license would have been suspended too over 23.00. Idiot.

This isn't really a post to vent because I'm not mad, I'm not looking for advice because I think it was handled in the best way. I'm posting as a warning to any steps who are thinking about providing for their irresponsible skids and the resulting consequences when said skid screws up. Be warned people.