stain and his mom attack me on facebook
Stain is mad I won't buy him another car, I bought his first. I didn't even buy my own kids a car, their grandparents bought them for them. I felt bad Stain didn't have a car, this was years ago so to make things fair for all the kids Stain was bought a car. He didn't maintain it and it broke down now he wants a new one. His mom who has over 200 thousand in the bank won't help him and comes on my facebook page with him and starts berating me. I blocked her and him. I unblocked him so I could print out what they wrote and now can't reblock him for 48 hours. I'm keeping track of all they write because I will sue them for harassment. I never did anything to either of them except stand up for myself. I think she's upset she's off the payroll in August, alimony stops then. I don't understand why people have to prove to the world they are idiots on facebook. She has since deleted her comment but everyone who knows my husband and I got to see how she acts. Most people think she's crazy anyhow she just gave the world proof. I'm just pissed about it. I think things are going to get worse before they get better this August
- buttercookie's blog
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How old is STAIN and for what
How old is STAIN and for what reason are you purchasing cars? Make the kid get a job and buy his own! Whatever happened to that? And now I'd never buy him a damn thing!
He was 17, all the other 3
He was 17, all the other 3 kids had cars or help with them. I was sick of my husband letting stain drive my car and bring it back filthy and on E. It was a bad decision He's 20 now. He never took it for oil changes or maintained it. He even left it on Lake Shore drive in the city when he got a flat once and just abandoned it. I didn't pay for the repairs when all the windows got smashed out of it. I think we did it to help make things "fair" among the 4 kids. Stain would have never paid for a car even if we gave him some money to start. I just wanted my car back. There was nothing like having a full tank of gas then husband letting Stain take it and have to roll into the gas station at 4am on the way to work because Stain never put gas in my car and he'd spill stuff and leave fastfood in it. I allowed it because I got sick of that and I got sick of asking permission to use my own car. I see it was a mistake and I'm not doing it again.
Since they were bothering us
Since they were bothering us by cell phone too I just called ATT and blocked them from calling or texting. I'm done with the games.
honey I went through the same
honey I went through the same thing. When ss23 moved in with us 10 months, he expected us to either A) buy him another car, his was totaled and the demon spent the insurance money on herself or
drive my brand new car that I waited all these years to get (my FIRST brand new car) I refused to do either. I made dh inform him that if he wanted transportation he could either take the bus or buy a bike. He's not here anymore and now cons his friends to haul his a$$ around town. Where do these people get off thinking WE OWE them???? Let them work for it. And let them bad mouth them all they want, people know the truth, you have to get to the point, honey, that you don't care what anyone else thinks but yourself. If that makes me a bi*ch, then so be it 
gave NICE car to my oldest SD
gave NICE car to my oldest SD at 18.....HER mom drives it and my bio drives a POS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im so mad about all this...I was working a dreat job when I gave car to SD.....since then was disablrf when a drugged POS hit me and nearly killed i, on a fixed income (disability) and MY BIO has to suffer!!!!!! PISSSSES me off!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE GIVE GIVE and get NOTHING AT ALL IN RETURN!!!!!!!!
My husband is at work for 24
My husband is at work for 24 hours. When he gets home I'm telling him that if his oldest even thinks of treating me this way too I'm going to ban him from the house and block his number too. My husband stopped being a guilty daddy last year and we are finally getting the kick back from the kid not tolerating being catered to. I'm done with it.