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Annoyed With SS

Butterfly1218's picture

Hello im new here and i just been trying to find something to get it off my chest but im absolutely fed up. My SS is 13 yrs old i have been with his father for 5 yrs & we have a 3 yr old son together. My stepson has been really getting on my nerves i cant see him or hear him talk yes its that bad & sounds mean i met him when he was 8 yrs old. He is annoying he hasnt been in school because we just moved to a different county but he is already enrolled & ready to start THANK GOD but its social distance learning. Well during a week off he has been waking up pretty to be playing video games all day like all day dad comes home from work doesnt say a word so who has to be the one to tell him to turn it off i do. Before we moved he was in the bathroom taking forever & i knock & ask him what are you doing he said taking a shower i was ok but 45 mins is too long, so he gets out & there is blood everywhere i was like what happen he was like its my nose i cant control it when it starts bleeding i was like yes you do you have done it all the time & it has never been a problem. He talks back cusses while playing games when he gets something new he shows it off to everyone & ask them what they think like hello no1 cares in my opinion he goes to bed late you still have to tell him to brush his teeth take a shower clean upur room put deodorant on go to bed etc its like wouldnt a teenager know how to these things we moved to a bigger place so he can have his own room & wants to spend the majority in my room always asking if we can watch a movie NOOOO go in your room thats why we got a bigger place why dont you read practice your writting anything his mom is not in his life his dad is always working so i have to be the one putting up with him while raising my own child that kid doesnt do anything around the house NOTHING i dislike him because his dad gives him to much freedom & whatever i say to his kid is a problem there are times where i want to up & leave with my child or just have them moved out but i love my boyfriend & it holds me back because my son loves his dad im stuck that kid is so irresponsible always wants attention like a little kid always talking non stop eats with his mouth open idk i can go on & on about him i feel bad putting him down like this but gosh wish it was just me my boyfriend & our son life will be better i dont regret my son i love him to death i just regret who i had with wish i had it with someone that is a first time parent as me but its too late now


justmakingthebest's picture

So you do know that your real problem isn't with your SS but with your boyfriend, right? He created a little monster who is no longer little and then dumped him on you. 

I think you need to find a job outside of the home. You need space away and you need to start saving money so that if you do decide to leave you have the ability. Also, if you are bringing home an income, your boyfriend can work more manageable hours. Your son isn't an infant anymore. You can do this. Daycare is substantially cheaper once the children are over 2.5, and especially if they are fully potty trained. 

It isn't fair to expect your SS to be banished to his room all the time because you are resentful. But if your boyfriend isn't actually parenting and leaving you with the mess, of course you are going to be resentful! It is a vicious cycle.