Breakthrough, FINALLY!
:jawdrop: After yet another three week span of not hearing from or about BM, we had a peanut boil at our house of which one of our mutual friends was invited to. Come to find out, BM is living with him at the moment. So, of course, a half hour after everybody was to be at our house the phone rings and it is her. She spends the entire time that she is on the phone with the children prying for information about who is there, what each person is doing, who is talking to who, and trying to get the kids to go up to DH and tell him things she is saying while on the phone with her. She hung up when we would not allow the children into the shop to speak to us while on the phone. She never did listen to either one or talk about them. As horrible as that is, though, she finally opened their eyes. It is going on two weeks now that she has not called since the night of the gathering. But, here is the good part. SD13, who up until a couple days after the phone call has been acting as BM's puppet and being absolutely horrible to me, woke up and realized that I am not the one who should be being punished. A couple days after the phone call, SD13 came and sat down for dinner and said "Stacy, I want to tell you something. I want to tell you that I am sorry for all of the mean things I have said to you and that I won't say or do mean things to you anymore. I don't want to be mean to you anymore." I said "Thank you. That means a lot to me and there is no reason that we can't get along. If you and I get along it doesn't mean that you love your mom any less or that I am winning or anything. It just means that be realize we have to live together and so we may as well get along in the meantime so it can be fun." She said, "I know, and I want to tell you something else. I want to tell you that I love you and that I want to play with you and have fun, like every week." I had to laugh. I said "Good. I miss having fun with you and brother. I miss wanting to see you guys even more than I wanted to see Daddy. Don't you remember how much fun we used to have when we were nice to each other? And I want you to know that I love you too. I love you just as much as D (my nephew), C (my brother), J (my sister-in-law), and I love you more than I love my mom. I just love you a lot more when we are nice to each other." She thought that was the funniest thing ever about my mom. Ever since that night, she has been a completely different child. She is back to the child that she was when I met her. She is coming home with excellent behavior reports from school, she is back to being so happy and loving, the hugs are almost too abundant again (though I don't plan on stopping her), she is eager to help me, she has seriously just done a complete personality flip and gone back to the wonderful child she was three years ago before her lunatic of a mother had the chance to twist her mind. And I am loving every minute of it. I just hope DH doesn't allow BM the chance to change that again. It has been almost two weeks now since she has called her truce in the war between us and I have remembered how much I truly do love these children.Our house has gone back to being fun and filled with love and I am praying, God, please let this be permanent.
- c-mom's blog
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Wonderful news!
Wonderful news!
Aww, good story. It's nice
Aww, good story. It's nice to hear something positive for a change. Good for you!
Good for you Happy things
Good for you
Happy things are going well.
P.S. I'm from the midwest, What is a peanut boil???!!! LOL
Right? HAHA I'm from the
Right? HAHA I'm from the Northwest originally. But... they boil "green" (raw) peanuts in crab boil spices or other spices down here. Then you break the hull open and eat the peanuts and they are soft and plump instead of crunchy like when they are roasted. Anywho, have you ever heard of Southerners doing crab, shrimp, or crawfish boils? If so, it is the same thing, but with peanuts. If you have not heard of any of those, basically just a party where the host is serving boiled crab, shrimp, crawfish, or peanuts. It is definitely its own little world down here but one that everybody should experience at some point in their lives.
Well, I guess nothing ever
Well, I guess nothing ever lasts. The kids talked to BM Sunday and after three weeks of not having to even tell SD anything except that dinner was ready and definitely not having to tell her anything twice, we are back to her not doing anything she is told. At home. She is apparently still showing wonderful behavior at school, and she is still in a good mood but now she is not doing what she is told again, having to be told things repeatedly until we have to fuss at her to get her to do what she was told, and she has started something new. When we speak to her, she just acts as though she didn't hear anything. I was having a conversation with her yesterday about something she did wrong and asked her a question, and she just stared into space.