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c-mom's Blog

Sweet Victory

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Gosh, it feels good to finally have somebody in the inner circle validate my efforts around here.

I asked my husband if I could re-commit myself to him this coming March to which he of course replied "Yes."

I then asked SS 14 if at that ceremony I could re-commit to him as his step-mom. He teared up and replied, "I wish you would. But not as my step-mom. As my mom. Because you're the only mom I've ever had and the best one I could ever have."


Update after years away

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So, I haven't been on here in quite some time. The skids are now 18 (sd) and 14 (ss) and we have a 2 year-old bs. I'm happy to announce that things have been great around here. I cut all contact with sd about a year ago when she tried once again to accuse me of abuse after harming herself. It has been glorious. The courts finally ruled that BM is not to have contact of any kind with the children AND pay child support. Of course, neither have happened. However, SS finally became mature enough to put two and two together and see that BM has been the root of his problems all along.

Two things bothering me right now...

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1) He still hasn't filed for CS (after going on 3 years of us having FULL custody), yet I feel indebted to his children forever because I have to live with them. He just had to call me from the psychiatrists office to ask what the major incident was that finally led up to SD being sent to the behavioral health facility (which was her trying to get SS10 and nephew 4 to touch her breasts) but yet BM doesn't have to do ANYTHING for HER kids. 2) Whenever we do things together, I'm the only one not in our pictures because he "just doesn't think to take any pictures".


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I got a job! I got a job! I got a job, hey, hey, hey, hey! Nights and weekends baby!!! You know what that means? No longer do I have to feel as though I have to take their abuse because DH is supporting me. No longer do I have to sit at home and be miserable in their company.

Finally, they are doing something about SD, not just making it look like it.

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So, SD14 sitting a foot away from DH, my two brothers, and myself, tried talking SS10 and nephew 4 into touching her breasts. She got removed from the boys' presence and got in trouble. She then told her babysitter the next day when DH took me out to dinner, "All I have to do is go back to school and tell another lie and I won't be able to get in trouble anymore because my teachers already don't like my parents." That was the last straw for DH.

PSYCHOTIC SD!!! Can I report her to somebody?

c-mom's picture

Now, on top of the sexual indecency she has displayed toward helpless people, SD13 with mental disabilities got mad because she wasn't allowed candy due to four months of horrible behavior and she went out to where my new puppy (12 weeks old) was on her dog run, pinned her to the ground and started aggravating her until puppy bit her. When puppy bit her, she yelled "Ouch God Dammit (Taking the Lord's name in vain is not tolerated in our home), yanked my puppy up by her cord so that she was hanging in the air by her collar choking, and started punching and slapping her.

Going to completely lose it

c-mom's picture

Told SD13 to hand me a sock today from across the room and she throws it at me. Tell DH what happened and he says, "Are you sure she wasn't throwing it TO you and not AT you." (If he, his ex-wife, his mom, or ANYBODY for that matter told one of his kids to hand them something and they even tossed it to them let alone threw it to them, that would be disrespect in his eyes) Then he asks SD what that was all about. She tells him "I was just throwing it to her, Daddy." So, he tells me she didn't mean to throw it at me and does nothing about her disrespect.

So unbelievably mad right now.

c-mom's picture

So, mil is a psychoticly jealous woman. She wanted to sell us her moms house three houses down and I asked to see it. She got snooty asking why I needed to see it because dh has seen it and he would be buying it. I just said I wanted to be thinking about how to make it work since it us a two bedroom and we have sd14 and ss10. She informed me that she already decided in turning the utility room into the extra room. I told dh and he told her he wanted me to see it. She has since made the snide remarks about me needing to see it.

Perfect example of why I say my skids are SO UNINTELLIGENT!!!

c-mom's picture

I don't think anybody understands when I say my skids are unintelligent. I don't mean they can't solve 20 + 20 which yes, for them at 13 and 10 would even be a chore. They do things like what I'm about to write constantly and I MEAN CONSTANTLY and never show any sort of intelligence. They are sitting on a swing in the front yard, SS (The 10 year-old) calls me. He says "S, we rolled forward and D (the 13 yo) stuck her thumb right in Dog Poop!" I said, "She stuck her thumb in POOP???" SS says "Yes, ma'am." and starts laughing. I say, "And she is still sitting there with poop on her thumb?!".
