Hiding in my room... by myself.
It really irritates me when I feel like the only safe place for me is behind my closed bedroom door. When I signed up BM was putting on a very good show acting like an interested mom by calling the kids every day and supporting DH and I on respecting me. Still no financial support or even showing up for visitation sober but hey, it was a step up from wondering if she was dead. Come to find out, this was to impress the man of the month because he is a single dad but they are now experiencing rough waters so she is back to hit or miss phone calls. She actually told me that HE was the reason for her new-found interest in her children. DH called it when he asked what happens when this guy is no longer in the picture because over the week of 4th of July BM could not be contacted. Come to find out, the days when she had no desire to answer her children's phone calls directly correlate to the days when her and man of the month were taking a heated break. SD 13 and SS 9 just spent a week at maternal gma's house and came back acting like a bunch of heathens who have never known a rule. This is no surprise as gma has successfully raised three leaches on society herself, being a recently (within 3 months) cleaned up addict and not the most upstanding citizen I've ever known. Since they got back, BM has not contacted them once even though she was calling/texting multiple times while they were at her mother's. (Putting on a show for mom who has been laying down the law about her being an absentee in kids' lives) Since returning the kids have done the exact opposite of every single thing they have been told. I told SS it was time to leave 4 times last night before he even acknowledged. As always DH is blissfully oblivious to everything they do and I am stuck doing the disciplining and because of this, I have had to be on the children constantly for the last two days because, go figure, THEY DON'T LISTEN TO A THING I SAY BECAUSE THEY DON'T RESPECT ME. So now, I am stuck with two disrespectful little brats who are doing anything possible to get in trouble and a husband who snaps at me if I even breathe in one of his childrens' direction. I love my lose/lose situation. Let the kids be disrespectful little heathens and tear my house (and my sanity) to the ground so that I can get some respect from DH, or just let him verbally abuse me in return for me trying to tame his children... by myself.
- c-mom's blog
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You're telling my story here.
You're telling my story here. Not the parts about the BM and gma, but the parts about how the skids disrespect you and their Dad is oblivious, or blames you for any dissention in the ranks.
Unfortunately, I can't offer any useful support. I'm leaving my situation because of this exact issue.
Best of luck finding a better solution than what I could find.
"Hiding in my room by myself
"Hiding in my room by myself ..." Thank you. I didn't think anyone would understand that - certainly not friends with so-called "normal" families. The only place I can go to in MY house sometimes for peace, quiet & santiy is in my bedroom with the door closed. Wonderful, isn't it? I can't wait until the little terrorists move out.
YoungCanuck, I get one of
YoungCanuck, I get one of mine for life. My SD has some slight mental disabilities that will prevent her from ever being deemed competent to be on her own. So I better buy a house with a nice, BIG master bedroom and make it cozy. She recently spent a week at paternal gparents' house, though, and came back acting like a brand new child. Been nothing but respectful and loving. SS seems to be taking up her slack so now he is the one spending time in his room, and not by choice.
3rd wife, I am so sorry that it didn't work out for you. I'm the 3rd wife too. I thank God he didn't have any children with his first wife because I don't think I could handle two psycho BM'S. LOL My husband is a really good husband in all aspects of life except dealing with the whole allowing me to be an authority figure. He expects me to do 100% of their missing mom's job, with no authority besides telling them I'm going to talk to him about it, and then he does nothing about it so they don't care. I have just decided, I will fill her shoes by taking a different route. I am going to get a full time evening job and a part time day job and I just won't be around to do any of the "mom department" as he calls it. I will pay someone to be his nanny since that is what I get treated like.