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PSYCHOTIC SD!!! Can I report her to somebody?

c-mom's picture

Now, on top of the sexual indecency she has displayed toward helpless people, SD13 with mental disabilities got mad because she wasn't allowed candy due to four months of horrible behavior and she went out to where my new puppy (12 weeks old) was on her dog run, pinned her to the ground and started aggravating her until puppy bit her. When puppy bit her, she yelled "Ouch God Dammit (Taking the Lord's name in vain is not tolerated in our home), yanked my puppy up by her cord so that she was hanging in the air by her collar choking, and started punching and slapping her. SS10 yelled at her to stop twice and she kept on so he ran and shoved SD and took puppy away from her and came in and told DH (if you could call him darling at this point) what SD had done. She is seriously psychotic! That was Sunday morning. Then last night, she got a spanking from me and when I spanked her she turned around and started hitting and scratching me. She cut my finger with her fingernails pretty bad and I told DH and he responded with "Well, I guess she will get her fingernails cut tomorrow." and not a word to SD. And her fingernails didn't even get cut. I don't know what to do. I do not believe in divorce, but is crazy the complete turn around that DH and SD did after the wedding.


prettyinpink's picture

I agree!! I don't know ur situation or if u have more kids but I would def. Get her checked u wouldn't want her doing that to the dog again let alone to the kids.. if DH doesn't see this as a VERY serious matter I would def. Consider other options..good luck

wreck's picture

I don't think you should be spanking a 13 year old. Except for the fact she's way too old for that, it teaches her it's ok to use that as a discipline measure.
If you spank her, how can you expect her not to use it to punish a dog, or for example a younger child, or anyone who she believes she should be disciplining?
If you spank a 13 year old, do you really expect no reaction? Sure, hitting and scratching is really bad behaviour for a 13 year old, but keep in mind she's 13, disabled, and you SPANKED her. Her reaction is expected.

I'm very sorry that you have to go through all that because of her behaviour, and I wish it wasn't so hard, but you need to keep in mind the circumstances.

And keep her away from animals, PLEASE. She shouldn't be near them unless supervised, maybe not even then.

c-mom's picture

Well, kind of. Kind of not. My nephew threw a toy a few days later which hit her in the eye. I had no clue about the incident because they were all at my brother's house. The next day I get a call from DHR saying I need to come in or tell them where I am so they can come to me. Something about an altercation between her and I. The toy gave her a black eye and she went to school and told the teacher that I punched her, choked her, beat her with a stick, threw her into my car, and left her there. (This is the fourth time she has tried to put false abuse charges on me). And now, all of a sudden, DHR wants to jump in and play hero and wonder why we've never gotten her help? REALLY??!!! But, at least she is finally getting the help she needs. She is in counseling and just met with the county's best Child Psychiatrist yesterday and they are putting her on medication that will curb her sexual desires. So, we will see how it goes.

Mad Hatter's picture

Well it's good to hear that she is finally getting the help she needs. I hope it pays off soon.