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Extraordinary medical expenses

Callie's picture

Do any of you know the definition of "extraordinary medical expenses"? We pay half of all SD's medical bills, but I was looking over the support order and I don't quite understand it.

"Unless specifically ordered otherwise, the person receiving support is responsible for ordinary health care expenses of the children. However, both parents have an obligation to pay their share of extraordinary health care expenses. Extraordinary health care expenses mean those monthly medical expenses that exceed 5% of the basic support obligation from the Child Support Schedule Worksheet, Line 5."

So our 5% is $31.00. So does that mean we pay half of the amount over $31.00? Or, if it is over $31.00 we pay half? So if the bill is $32 do we pay $16 or $.50? Does that make sense?

Also, what does that include? If BM gives us a receipt for an ankle brace that she bought for SD at a drug store is that considered a medical expense? In my opinion, that would be in the daily care catagory like Tylenol or bandaids.

Can anyone help clarify?


Anonymous's picture

First of all I wouldn't pay anything above child support. Any other expenses were the bm's and yes that included medical bills in our situation. I don't know what is going on here, but $31.00 and she has the nerve to do that, lol. I would move far away because this lady is going to suck you guys dry. Please don't leave her a fwd'ing address. Sad your husband made some a bad mistake but don't let it destroy your financial future, JMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anne 8102's picture

Our BM has to pay the first hundred bucks, then once that amount has been met, we split the costs. Our share comes to 33% of any amounts after the first hundred has been paid by the BM. It sounds like your BM would have to pay the first $31, then you pay half of any amount over $31. I think you would pay fifty cents, not sixteen bucks. As for the brace, if she can show you a prescription for it, then I'd say you have to kick in. If not, then like you said, it's the same as Tylenol or bandaids. Depending on your situation, though, and the expense of the item, I'd weigh it before saying no. If it's a $20 brace and you have to pay ten bucks and you have a reasonable relationship with the BM, then I'd probably pay the ten bucks and be done with it. If it's a situation where you're continually being soaked for money, then I'd be more of a stickler.

~ Anne ~

"Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries."
(Truman Capote)

happy mom's picture

Recently BM said SS was going to get braces & wants us to pay for half of it....I told my husband to get an invoice from the Dr. office so we can send our half of the payment directly to the Dr. and not forward the money to BM. That I wanted us to have a copy of the invoice so we know she isn't ripping us off. For us each parent is responsible if you buy any supplies for the child at your time w/the child. We don't bill each other of the cost we incurred ourselves. Big medical bills such as the braces we both understand we split. So depends what the divorce decree states.

-happy mom

Tired2's picture

I got a different take on this. I would say that you would have to pay the $16 and not the $.50....they make the wording in divorce decrees confusing. A quick (and most of the time free) call to your attorney would straighten this out. Most of the time it's easier to get their advice before a huge battle ensues. In my DH's papers it states that she (BM) pays everything up front and he pays her 1/2 after she gives him the receipt showing she already paid. If we don't get a receipt she doesn't get paid. This comes at an advantage to us most of the time because she's an "absent minded" (I'm being nice there) person so alot of the time we don't get a receipt. As far as the ankle brace....I don't think this counts as medical expenses because no prescription is needed. I agree that if you have a good relationship with BM go ahead and pay the $10 so as to keep the good relationship but if you are getting hammered for money left and right....tell her too friggin bad.

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smurfy1smile's picture

My ex pays for insurance for our BD7 and anything insurance does not cover like deductable and co-pays, he has to reimburse me for half of them. I have to bill him for his portion. Stuff like bandages, bactine and tylenol are normal expenses and they are not reimbursable. Most people keep this stuff around whether they have kids or not. Can you imagine if stuff like that was a "shared" expense? It could cause huge problems for the BM who think their kids are sick all the time.

Rags's picture

I do not know if this is standard or not but our Custody, Support and Visitation Judgement is pretty clear on this topic. Any expenses not covered by insurance are split 50/50. Co-pays, Rx's, etc...

"Each party shall be responsible for one-half of all unreimbursed medical, dental, optical and orthodontic expenses incurred on behalf of the minor child."

Unfortunately SpermDad has never coughed up a dime on this and currently owes us ~$5000.00. Which is one of the main reasons why he has earned the SpermDad moniker which is about all he has provided for my son over the years. With 14yrs of penalties and interest he is in to us for ~$8K-$10K just for his half of uncovered medical costs. I love baring his ass in court on this one since the judge rips him a new one on this topic every time he tries to get his support lowered. He may not pay any time soon but he will pay eventually and the longer he waits the more painful it will be.

Non-Rx stuff (ankle brace) should be covered by any CS that is being paid. (think toothpaste on this one). IMHO. Holding SpermDad accountable to his child may be entertaining but I am not unreasonable. That would alienate the Family Law Courts against us and that would not be an effective strategy for protecting my SS's best interest.

I would interpret "extraordinary medical expenses" as anything not covered by insurance (Co-pays, deductibles, Rx Meds, Rx eye glasses, etc ....)

Just our situation and my thoughts of course.

Good luck and best regards,