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THE ULTIMATE DISNEY DADDY!!!! Literally and figuratively!!!

caregiver1127's picture

I know most BM's drive us crazy - but in this case she seems to be the more grounded one!!


Not_what_I_wanted's picture

This is disturbing to me....

"Suri looked like she was in heaven," Disney-goer Marianne Cohen of Tampa told People. "It was really cute. She was walking around like she owned the place, having the time of her life, and Tom, who looked really handsome was talking to her, was really engaging with her."

Kudos for spending time with your child, way to go, Tom. I"m sure it was a lot of effort. :sick: The fact that she is only 6 and appears like she owns the world? GROSS. princess in the making. barf.

oneoffour's picture

Marianne Cohen is probably one of those women who would marry a serial killer because "he really is very kind..."

Spending time with your kid does NOT mean dragging them off to the Hamptons or Disney World. It means spending time getting to know your kid in real clothes and doing things that do not cost a bomb. Anyway, isn't the girl getting tired of Disney World? Wouldn't she like to sit at his house and just colour or play on a climbing frame? He hasn't a clue....

BSgoinon's picture

Do you think she allowed it? From what I understand, he was very controlling and all of those lavish things were HIS demand. And that's one of the many reasons she left and is trying to lead a very NORMAL life with Suri now. Riding in taxi cabs, going to the state zoo. Things that normal people do... Maybe she did allow it. And just woke up one day and realized how insane it was...

BuffaloGal's picture

I agree dtzy! He & Mel Gibson were the hottest things alive. Crazy, it turns out, but pretty good lookin!

christag's picture

Scientology has some crazy parenting practices that is guaranteed to create brats. Parents are not allowed to say no to their kids unless they would be harmed. So, if Suri wants to go to Disneyland, her dad takes her. It's very 60s hippyish. Kids should be free to do whatever they want and experience whatever they want kind of nonsense.

It's like the "silent birth" stupidity. Women aren't allowed to make noise during childbirth because it traumatizes the child. Yelling at children or telling them no traumatizes children too. LOL.

Katie Holmes has no chance of keeping Suri. As soon as Suri is old enough, she'll want to live with her dad.

bi's picture

i made plenty of noise during both of my kids births and they are just fine. tom cruise lost his fucking mind a long time ago.

christag's picture

No, no, your children have been deeply scarred by their birth experience and will need to take expensive Scientology classes and do Scientology auditing to rid themselves of these subconscious memories of their birth that are preventing them from being successful in life }:) They really do have a good racket going on. Who's mother didn't make noise when they were born??

bi's picture

hehe! the only time i have ever heard of a relatively quiet birth was when the mother had an epidural. and i'm sure even that isn't silent. i do not believe that staying absolutely quiet would have even been possible for me. when you are in that kind of pain and exerting that much effort, you naturally make noise. wtf does TC think he knows about it anyway? Biggrin