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First steps to get healthy

carl.hutchinson.usa's picture

A few months ago I found this website. I lurked for a bit and fought hard to not post my own poo poo up on the interwebs. However, that changed when I decided that I didn't want to be alone with my thoughts anymore. I won't let them isolate me anymore. 

My wife and I got married because despite our differences, we have very similar childhood trauma. Up until a few years ago, we didn't realize we were united by molestation because we were so busy running toward the next accomplishment and away from our pain. Sprint after sprint, medal after award, we weren't ever satisfied. We raised my step son in this type of environment and everything was going well until he had to face his own demons. And unlucky for us, he doesn't have the same DNA as me or my wife for burying childhood trauma with some earthly achievement. LOL. Nope, he takes after his biological dad and he locks himself in his room and only comes out to snarl and growl at people he sees as a threat. Too bad for me, he sometimes dissociates and sees me as the threat.

It really hurts because it wasn't always like this. When my stepson left for UC Berkley, he was calling me dad and using my GI Bill to have a full ride scholarship at one of the world's premiere universities. When he dropped out two years into his degree, he came back to my house and began his homecoming with a violent opposition to my basic house rules (wake up before 8:30AM on weekdays, get a job if you're not going to college, get a visa if you're going to live with us overseas, and get insurance). Two years since he moved back in, our relationship has gone from uncomfortable to down right civil war. 

To make matters worse, with the constant task of fending off my stepson's demons when they attack me, I can't concentrate on that next goal and stay one step ahead of my own psychological shit. So here I am, everytime my stepson comes into the room, my heart rate and blood pressure go berzerk, just like those biomarkers have always gone berzerk when I'm in the pressence of a threat. I try my best. I turn on my insight timer app and meditate. I journal. I do positive affirmations at night. I pray. But its all too much because on top of my son's heavy aggression, my wife is fighting her childhood demons too. And with all of this going on, she can't get enough success to ignore my stepson pulling the bandaid off everytime he wants to remind us of what an infection looks like.

Why?! Oh why! Why couldn't my stepson be like us and bury his shit with more and more egotisical pursuits.

Believe me, I'm laughing at myself as I write this.

This last weekend, once again, things came to a head. My wife and I went out for a date. I said I feel powerless in my house because I can't enforce basic rules that reflect my values. I brought up my jobless, penniless stepson sleeping at his girl friend's house many nights. I said if they have a baby, I won't know what to do. I said, him sleeping at her house is a violation of what our family stands for. I said I can't even bring it up because it will start a fight. I said if there is another fight, the police already promised if they have to come to my house again, then they are making arrests. My wife took this as an attack on her son so my wife decided to put me to the test. She asked me to get beer at the restaurant. I've been sober for two years. I said no fucking beer, I'm a fucking recovering alcoholic. She pointed out how I have problems too. We proceded to have a quiet but uncomfortable date.

Then on the way home, we were going to pick up my daughter from a friend's house. On the way, I tried to make a yellow light but obviously ran a red light. It was right in front of a group of police officers. I was super pissed at myself. My wife said she was holding back her anger and I shouldn't be so careless next time. I said, "I can easily point out your mistakes all the time too." My wife got pissed that I didn't own my mistake on the spot. 

Waiting outside my daughter's friend's house, my wife insisted that I not drive home. I said okay, maybe I am too tired. My daughter got in the car, my wife and I changed seats, and we took off. Less then ten minutes into my wife driving, she ran a red light and almost hit a pedestrian. Under my breath, I said, "you ran a red light." My wife got so pissed. LOL. She stamped her foot on the gas and whipped through traffic and to the side of the road. With my daughter in the back seat, my wife proceded to scream at me, "Get out of the car!" Over and over. I sat there in silence. My wife reached across the seat, opened my door and tried to push me out of the car. I silently didn't budge. My daughter sat in the back seat sobbing. My wife, blind with rage, finally got out of the car and left me there to drive my daughter home while my wife walked home. 

When we got home, I explained my side of the story to my daughter. When my wife got home from walking, my wife told her side of the story to my daughter. When my son got home from his girl friend's house the next day, he was happy as shit to see that mom and dad are fighting and he is not in the middle this time. 

I guess this is all going to be for the best. This morning I decided to start taping and documenting everything that happens in my life. I decided to start looking for a lawyer and aiming for 100% custody. I signed up to see a team of specialists who will help me deal with my shit as well as compile professional evidence that I'm a sane option for raising the biological daughter that I had with my wife. I set a goal of getting a clean bill of health within 3 months. This aligns with my prediction that around Christmas time, my wife and stepson will combine forces and try to throw me out. 

Or... Or... Who knows maybe I'll not only find the cure for my own childhood trauma but also bring peace to everyone else in my family with some miracle discovery. My stepson will have a safe and secure place to get his life in order. My wife will have a safe and secure place to tell her story, minus the lies. My daughter won't be cursed with a life where she has to constantly do calculus about which parent to trust.

I'll be able to live a healthy life where I get up in the morning, happy to be still. Not running toward the next empty pursuit. Not running away from the memories of shame.  Just happy with the truth. We're all screwed up. But at least we're not tearing each other apart for no reason.


lieutenant_dad's picture

This sounds like the makings of a family-style murder-suicide. Don't think you'll fix people. Fix yourself and get out. Rosy optimism that you'll be the shining beacon of hope is foolish as best. Your wife is responsible for herself. Your stepson is responsible for himself. If they aren't responsible of their own lives, there's nothing you can do to fix them.

carl.hutchinson.usa's picture

Yep, I actually fear this quite a bit. A violent ending. This website has helped me realize that there is no space for blind hope for others. When the plane is going down, you have to put your own mask on first. In desperation, I'm going to get therapy on the regular and find a lawyer.

tog redux's picture

I'm glad you are getting help for your demons. I think there is more going on here than just your stepson, who is an adult, it appears, sleeping at his girlfriend's house, for there to be such anger between you and your wife - but you don't say much about it. 

Focus on your own health and let your stepson make his own decisions as an adult. You don't have to agree with them. 

carl.hutchinson.usa's picture

The problems between my wife and I are simple. Betrayal and lies. She came into our relationship with a completely fabricated background story. She painted herself as an innocent victim who fell prey to pure evil characters. I was young and I bought the story, and just like I am doing now, I thought that I could be the beacon of light that carried her and her son to a better place. LOL. Just typing that, I see I'm still doing the same thing. LOL.

Anyways, fast forward and about five years ago, my wife started to play little games to paint me out as one of her evil characters. I was raised to start the forgiving by owning a problem and saying sorry first. That was a mistake. She hid money from me so I did the taxes wrong and we got in trouble with the IRS. I apologized and ever since she has told everyone that I'm bad with money and I got us in trouble with the IRS. Um? She sold a blue chip real estate property and bought a high risk low rent area property. That back fired and she told everyone that I forced her to sell the blue chip property. 

My side of the betrayal? I am a recovering alcoholic. Recovering pornography addict. I did all of my problems in super secret because my childhood trauma taught me how to hide shameful stuff really well. However, my addictions always kept me a step away from getting to the next step in relationships, career, and finances. When I finally broke down and told my wife about my problems two years ago, she turned up the fire on her constant attacks. She felt betrayed that I was letting these problems hold our family back. 

All of this and the real problem is still not being revealed. My wife and I have a 16 year age difference. She is 16 years older. We worked well for a long time because we were both sexually abused so we both had off the charts sexual appetites. That all changed when my wife inevitably hit menopause. So now here I am, fighting sex addiction with a wife who no longer wants sex. I do Whim Hof. I take ice baths. I meditate. I journal. I pray. I do talk therapy. I am gathering metrics to show that I am getting healthy. My wife on the other hand, her sexual appetite has rechanneled into a streak of nasty rage. It makes sense in terms of brain physiology. The deep brain gland that produces sex stimulating hormones is grossly enlarged in childhood sexual abuse victims. That brain gland is also responsible for stimulating rage. So now her sex drive is gone and that hyper huge gland only works to make rage. 

Then there is my stepson. He denies he has any problems. I offered to pay for him to go back to college. I offered to pay for him to get his own apartment. I pleaded for him to move on. Its a dirty thing to say, but the only true peace and good will our family has had in the last five years was when it was just me, my wife, and my daughter. I believe he represents all of my wife's lies. And his pressence challenges her to come clean on her backstory. He does not have my DNA, my biology, or my basic values. Now that he's a grown man, I feel super uncomfortable with him around. Especially since he has challenged me to a fight several times in the last few years. And why won't he move out? Because he felt abandoned by his mom and dad for the first seven years of his life. So the manifestation of his childhood trauma is he is terrified to be alone. 

Winterglow's picture

Have any of you had any kind of therapy? Counselling? Marital counselling? 

How old are your daughter and your stepson?

carl.hutchinson.usa's picture

My step son had individual therapy but he stopped going once he got to comfortable level. I went to individual therapy regularly but my therapist died recently and I'm in the process of finding a new therapist. My wife and I went to marital counselling for about three months but my wife regularly skipped the sessions and if she did come, then she spent the 30 minutes screaming about how I'm a coward and a loser.

My daughter is 13 and my stepson is 22.

Winterglow's picture

Unfortunately, counseling only goes anywhere if both parties are willing to put in the effort.