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SS10 Turning Down Family Vacation

CastleJJ's picture

Today, my parents booked a family vacation to the happiest place on earth for later this summer. DH and I discussed inviting SS10 and DH said he wanted to extend the invitation,  knowing full well that BM would likely say "No." DH said that if BM said "No," at least DH would have email proof in case SS ever asked DH or became upset about it, saying we didnt invite him. DH sent an email with the trip information and we waited. 

BM emails back stating that she asked SS if he wanted to attend the trip multiple times and SS said "No" because football is determining positions for the season that week and he doesn't want to miss it and be randomly assigned a position. I know that BM likely isn't lying because she knows we talk to SS tomorrow and we are just going to ask him ourselves. 

I'm kind of shocked here. I fully expected BM to say "No," but for a 10-year-old to say "No" and choose sports over a vacation? I think there are a variety of factors though. I am sure BM probably guilted SS into saying "No" or presented it as a "Well if you go, you're going to miss this, but if you can live with that, then okay" type scenario. Like I told DH, we have both been at the hands of BM's emotional abuse. When she gets what she wants, she is very sweet and cooperative, but when you go against her or tell her "No," she is vicious. SS has likely subconsciously trained himself to know that BM prides herself in SS' sport accomplishments and he knows that he only gains praise and attention by doing well athletically (or academically). I'm sure that SS feels pressure to "make the right choice" to ensure he stays in BM's good graces so BM doesn't withhold affection or attention. DH also blames the football league because it is way too intense. These kids, starting in kindergarten, practice 4 days per week plus have games every weekend from end of July to October. If you miss two practices in a row, you are benched for a game. They have weigh-ins weekly and really treat this like a high school team. DH has received several emails from the league recently and all they keep talking about is being "the hottest ticket in town." DH wonders if the league's influence is also impacting SS' decision. And maybe I'm wrong about all of this; maybe SS just doesn't want to be with us and this is just the start of PAS. 

DH said he will ask SS again during our phone call tomorrow, just to confirm that he does not want to go. If SS says "No," then we are going without him, which I am fine with. It will be our daughter's first trip and I personally want the focus to be on her anyway. But, I can't help but feel bad for SS. I feel like this is an indicator that he is starting to PAS. In the end, SS is going to give up a lot of opportunities throughout his childhood for a sport that will likely take him nowhere. 


JRI's picture

So sad, too bad.  Yes, DH should ask SS again personally but if SS chooses not to go, so sad, too bad.

dragonfly878's picture

I was actually just going to post about this- DH wants to take a family trip somewhere with DD2, SS14 and I this summer. I've used COVID as an excuse the past two years... the burning dread I have about the potential for a "family trip" makes me physically sick... I can't be in the same space as SS14 for more than 5 minutes without waning to lose my mind let alone a whole trip

CastleJJ's picture

I actually have a really good relationship with SS. SS and I have had some issues in the past year or so due to BM's antics, but otherwise we are good. We took SS on a trip in 2019 and had a nice time. I wouldn't mind if he came, but I am also fine if he doesn't. I think my view has shifted since being pregnant and giving birth to DD; before her if SS said "No," I would have been devastated, now I'm indifferent. 

dragonfly878's picture

That's wonderful that you have a good relaitonship with him. 

For me personally, that changed once my DD2 was born. The little things became that much bigger... it was much easier to disengage when it was just me but now his actions impact both me and DD. I can ignore him when he acts out because as an adult I know what he's doing is obnoxious. A todder doesn't know the difference so I became that much more aware of what she was exposed to.

Once DD was born the jealousy became out of control so he started acting out 10000X more and it has only gotten worse over time.

ESMOD's picture

It's going to be tough to plan a trip that will appeal to a 14 year old while still being appropriate for a 2yo.  

I think your best bet will be to go to a place where there is stuff to do local to the hotel or Airbnb you walking distance to beach.. hotel with activities.  

THEN.. I would advise bringing a friend for your SS.. and I mean his "best" friend.. not his closest friend.. but the friend you think is the best behaved/best influence!  That way, SS has a companion and they can do things on their own while you and your little one do things more toddler approved.. and your DH isn't constantly torn about spending time away from the 14 yo.

editing to add that bringing a friend can also make it more difficult for the older skid to act like a turd.. because he might become embarassed in front of his peers.. and the peer is likely to try to behave in front of someone else's parents.  This worked great for us on our trips with our SD's when they got older.

Winterglow's picture

He's only 10.  The trip is a gift (I'm assuming it's a gift) from OP's parents so it's not really possible to change the venue nor invite other people.

ESMOD's picture

If his parents are going to be on the trip with them.. that might be a built in distraction for SS?  Also, they could ask the parent's if they minded if they brought SS a buddy.. that THEY would pay for the difference of the buddy's expenses?

dragonfly878's picture

Thank you so much for your reply- the problem with my SS14 is that he has no friends. Othwerise I'm right there with you- I'd have him invite a whole crew if it meant he was occupying himself wihtout the constant desire to be up DH's ass...

I'm sure DH woudl love a beach trip... DD2 loves the beach... SS14 loves the beach when he can have DH's undivided attention on him... essentially anything we do as a family of 4 is destined to fal- as DH has to split his time and attention and SS can't handle it. OR SS can't rule the roost and call the shots like he can with BM so he gets pissy and/or acts out.

EveryoneLies's picture

God, I can't understand why a 14yo would want their parents' full attention all the time. 

When I was at that age I hope my parents never know what i was up to! (Not that i was doing anything bad.)

Winterglow's picture

I'm willing to bet that she hasn't told him that it's a trip to Disney, only that he'd be going with you and your parents.

advice.only2's picture

"SS if you go on this trip with your father (said in an angry pinched tone) the coaches will see you aren't dedicated and won't give you a position, you will ride the bench the whole that what you want?  To ride the bench the whole season?  After all the hard work you have put in?  To not be given a position and watch other less GIFTED children take your position?"

And if that didn't drill it home...

"Also you are going with a baby, babies can't go on rides, and if the baby can't go on rides they won't take you on rides either!"

SeeYouNever's picture

Keep a lookout because I guarantee you BM is going to take him to the happiest place on Earth sometime in the next year. 

advice.only2's picture

Right and she will make sure SS calls and tells his dad all about his amazing trip he took and all the things they did.

CastleJJ's picture

BM took him to the happiest place on earth when he was 5 years old. It was BM, GF, and BM's parents. They went for two days, only went to one park, and for a whole day of the trip, they left SS at the hotel with BM's parents so BM and GF could go explore. We took SS to Disney in 2019, he was 7 and he really enjoyed it. We were there a week and we got to see and do almost everything. He said it was a totally different experience compared to his first trip. SS has already been to Disney so I'm not all that concerned if BM takes him again. I'm just excited to be able to take DD and watch her experience it. 

justmakingthebest's picture

I am sure it was the way BM presented it to him, but if you contradict what she said, he will think you are lying. Even if you say that you can talk to the coaches to make sure that he is evaluated before the trip. It won't matter BM's word is always better than yours. That is how it goes with PASed kids. 

Ask him one more time, but let it go. There will be a lot less drama without him there.

CastleJJ's picture

We are just going to call tonight and say "We asked your Mom if you could go to Disney with us in August. She told us that you didn't want to go because you have football. It's totally fine if that is what you want, but we want to confirm that's what you want because we have to get tickets ordered now." And if he says "No" we are just going to let it go. 

CastleJJ's picture

UPDATE: We talked to SS tonight away from BM and SS confirmed that he did not want to go with us to Disney. We explained the details of the trip and he still said "No." DH seems a little bummed because it's clear that sports will always take precedence over DH. I think DH feels a little rejected. Ultimately, we accept his decision and are looking forward to taking DD on her first family vacation. 

justmakingthebest's picture

I know how much this hurts your husband. When he looks back on his life, after his dad is gone, missing a week of youth football will be so insignificant but missing a week of memories with his dad is going to really suck. 

I think my husband takes this kind of thing more seriously than even I do. His dad died suddenly in a car accident when he was 21. DH would give anything to go back and not be a dumbass teenager and get that time back with his dad. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow, and in the grand scheme of life, a week of football practice is just nothing. It's less than nothing, except BM has it drilled in his head that football is more important than dad... and no matter what you do, you won't be able to convince him otherwise. 

CastleJJ's picture

DH is doing better this morning and I had a long talk with DH last night. He said that SS is his son, but the bond just isn't there like it is with DD, simply because DH wasn't there for the first two years and even now, he only sees SS for at most 2 weeks at a time. DH couldn't really explain it, but just said the feelings feel different. DH is excited for the trip and has accepted SS' answer, he just said it is hard because that was the first time SS chose not to visit and for something so stupid. SS has always looked forward to our visits so for him to choose to not visit made DH realize this may be the beginning of the end and SS is only 10. 

I have spent years in therapy to emotionally disconnect from SS. While I care about him and we enjoy when he is with us, it essentially stops there. I dont get nearly as involved or invested as I used to. DH and I have both worked to prepare for when SS stops coming. I think that will be sooner than later. DH hopes to see him until at least 13. I think what really irritates us, which you know better than anyone, is the injustice of the courts and the fact that BM has been able to get away with this crap for the last 10 years. That is a trauma we are still working to get over. 

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

at least your DH has SS's answer on whether or not he wants to go. BM still could of lead this decision by making comments about football and if he went, but either way, he has made his decision about not going. Unfortunately, as kids grow up this is going to happen and teenage angst will guide a lot of these decisions whether rational or not. My DH has already prepared himself for the day that SD is not going to want to come for summer or the whole summer because of wanting to hang out with her friends there or maybe sport obligations, etc. He is very much he rather expect the worse on things like this so he can't be set up for disappointment. 

Enjoy the first vacation with your daughter, DH, and your family. Hopefully your DH doesn't let SS not being there distract him and he can relax and just enjoy his time with everyone who is there.